Former PhD student in Paul Weiss group awarded CESASC scholarship

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Zhao Yuxi small

Yuxi Zhao (PhD ’15 Chemistry – Weiss group) awarded 2015 Chinese-American Engineers & Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC) scholarship. 

Dr. Zhao will accept the award at the 53rd CESASC annual convention on May 2, 2015, in Cerritos, California.  She will soon join Apple Inc. in Cupertino, California, (makers of iPhone, iPad and notebooks) as platform process engineer working on advanced display.

Dr. Zhao received a B.S. degree from the Department of Macromolecular Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Her work focuses on studying the light-induced charge transfer and current generation within single organic molecules that have potential application in organic solar cells. She recently presented her research at 2015 American Physical Society March Meeting with the title of her presentation as ‘Photo-Activation of Single Molecules and Assemblies on Au(111)‘.

Zhao Yuxi
Dr. Yuxi Zhao at the 2013 Seaborg Symposium poster session. (photo by Penny Jennings, UCLA)

Founded in 1962, CESASC is one of the largest and the most established Chinese-American professional organizations in Southern California. CESASC provides career and educational advancement opportunities, technical exchange, fellowship and community service. In particular, CESASC offers annual scholarships to encourage young students to develop their interests and pursue their careers in the fields of science, engineering, and technology.

In the past seven years, CESASC has awarded more than $60,000 in scholarships to fifty deserving students. More information about CESASC and the scholarship can be found at