The UCLA Meteorite Gallery, California’s largest collection of meteorites, has added two large iron meteorites – and both may be touched by the public.
From UCLA Newsroom (by Stuart Wolpert):
One of the new meteorites is now the largest in Los Angeles. Weighing 811 pounds, it is more than twice the size of what had been the gallery’s largest meteorite. It was found in Namibia, and is being displayed thanks to a long-term loan by UCLA alumnus Peter Utas and his wife, Barbara Broide.
John Wasson, the gallery’s curator and a professor of geochemistry and chemistry in the UCLA College, described the specimen as “beautiful, with parallel sets of fine bands crossing it.”
Newly added large iron meteorites (photo by Christelle Nahas) and gallery curator Professor John Wasson.
The other meteorite, also on loan from the Utas family, weighs 326 pounds and was found in Texas. It was first recognized by a hunter in the late 1960s, and it remained on the hunter’s front porch until his son’s widow sold it to the Utas family in 2007.
The Meteorite Gallery is open from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on holidays, and from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sundays, when a docent is available to answer questions. The gallery is room 3697 of the UCLA Geology Building, which is located just southwest of the corner of Hilgard and Westholme avenues (map). Admission is free.
Read the full UCLA Newsroom article here.