2025-02-06 | Iminium catalysis in natural Diels–Alderase – Nat Catal. Zuodong Sun, Xin Zang, Qingyang Zhou, Masao Ohashi, K. N. Houk*, Jiahai Zhou & Yi Tang*. Read about the research here.
Recent Publications
2025-01-29 | Copper-dependent halogenase catalyses unactivated C−H bond functionalization – Nature. Chen-Yu Chiang, Masao Ohashi, Jessie Le, Pan-Pan Chen, Qingyang Zhou, Songrong Qu, Undramaa Bat-Erdene, Shabnam Hematian, Jose A. Rodriguez, K. N. Houk*, Yisong Guo, Joseph A. Loo* & Yi Tang*. Read about the research here.
2025-01-28 | Design for Telecom-Wavelength Quantum Emitters in Silicon Based on Alkali-Metal-Saturated Vacancy Complexes – ACS Nano. Péter Udvarhelyi, Prineha Narang*.
2025-01-23 | Using Classifiers To Predict Catalyst Design for Polyketone Microstructure – J. Am. Chem. Soc. Wong, Y.-P.; Jung, H.-J.; Lin, S.; Shammami, M. A.; Roshandel, H.; Dodge, H. M.; Chapp, S. M.; Ruiz De Castilla, L. C.; Wang, D.; Do, L. H.; Liu,* C.; Miller, A. J. M.; Diaconescu,* P. L.
2025-01-23 | Heterophase Reduction of the Fully Oxidized Aniline Tetramer – ACS Mater. Lett. Xie, M.; Kim, J. W.; Yang, Z.; Uemura, S.; Anderson, M.; Katsuyama, Y.; Kroes, B. C.; Chang, X.; Lin, C.-W.; Kaner,* R. B.
2025-01-23 | Ballistic transport from propagating vibrational modes in amorphous silicon dioxide: Thermal experiments and atomistic-machine learning modeling – Mater. Today Phys. Li, M.; Dai, L.; Wu, H.; Yan, Y.; Kang, J. S.; King, S.; McNeil, P. E.; Butts, D.; Galy, T.; Marszewski, M.; Lan, E.; Dunn, B. S.; Tolbert,* S. H.; Pilon, L.; Hu, Y.
2025-01-22 | Metal–ligand cooperativity enables zero-valent metal transfer – Chem. Sci. Martin-Louis Y. Riu, Jing-Ran Shan, K. N. Houk* and Matthew Nava*.
2025-01-21 | High-Energy Aqueous Sodium-Ion Batteries Using Water-in-Salt Electrolytes and 3D Structured Electrodes – ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Yang, Z.; Huang, A.; Lin, C.-W.; Kroes, B. C.; Chang, X.; El-Kady, M. F.; Li, Y.; Kaner,* R. B.
2025-01-16 | In silico screening of P,N-ligands facilitates optimization of Au(iii)-mediated S-arylation – Chem. Sci. Joseph Treacy, James Tilden, Elaine Chao, Zihuan Fu, Alexander Spokoyny, K. N. Houk and Heather Maynard*.
2025-01-15 | H2O trimer: Rigorous 12D quantum calculations of intermolecular vibrational states, tunneling splittings, and low-frequency spectrum – J. Chem. Phys. Irén Simkó, Peter M. Felker*, Zlatko Bačić.
2025-01-15 | Radiative decay of the nuclear clock isomer in different host materials – Phys. Rev. Res. Pineda, S. V.; Chhetri, P.; Bara, S.; Elskens, Y.; Casci, S.; Alexandrova,* A. N.; Au, M.; Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M.; Bartokos, M.; Beeks, K.; Bernerd, C.; Claessens, A.; Chrysalidis, K.; Cocolios, T. E.; Correia, J. G.; De Witte, H.; Elwell, R.; Ferrer, R.; Heinke, R.; Hudson, E. R.; Ivandikov, F.; Kudryavtsev, Yu.; Köster, U.; Kraemer, S.; Laatiaoui, M.; Lica, R.; Merckling, C.; Morawetz, I.; Morgan, H. W. T.; Moritz, D.; Pereira, L. M. C.; Raeder, S.; Rothe, S.; Schaden, F.; Scharl, K.; Schumm, T.; Stegemann, S.; Terhune, J.; Thirolf, P. G.; Tunhuma, S. M.; Van Den Bergh, P.; Van Duppen, P.; Vantomme, A.; Wahl, U.; Yue, Z.
2025-01-14 | Heteroconfinement in Single CdTe Nanoplatelets – ACS Nano. Ahmed, T.; Tan, X.; Li, B. Y.; Cook, E.; Williams, J.; Tiano, S. M.; Coffey, B.; Tenney, S. M.; Hayes, D.; Caram,* J. R.
2025-01-13 | An Electrochemical Strategy for Chalcogenation of closo-Dodecaborate (B12H12)2– Anion – ChemRxiv (PrePrint). Tyler Kerr, Yessica Nelson, Nick Bernier, Alexander Spokoyny*.
2025-01-11 | Light-Dependent Amide or Thioamide Formation of Acylsilanes with Amines using Elemental Sulfur – Chem. Eur. J. Li, Y.; Ye, H.; Wang, S.; Xu, S.; Lear, M. J.; Houk,* K. N.; Ma, P.; Li, J.
2025-01-08 | Identification of a gene controlling levels of the copper response regulator 1 transcription factor in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii – Plant Cell. Sun, X.; LaVoie, M.; Lefebvre, P. A.; Gallaher, S. D.; Glaesener, A. G.; Strenkert, D.; Mehta, R.; Merchant,* S. S.; Silflow, C. D.
2025-01-07 | Deacylative Homolysis of Ketone C(sp3)–C(sp2) Bonds: Streamlining Natural Product Transformations – J. Am. Chem. Soc. Šimek, M.; Mahato, S.; Dehnert, B. W.; Kwon,* O.
2025-01-07 | On the Differential and the Integral Value of Information – Entropy. Levine,* R. D.
2025-01-06 | Heteroconfinement in Single CdTe Nanoplatelets – ACS Nano. Tasnim Ahmed, Xuanheng Tan, Barry Li, Elijah Cook, Jillian Williams, Sophia Tiano, Belle Coffey, Stephanie Tenney, Dugan Hayes, Justin Caram*.
2025-01-06 | Intellectual frameworks to understand complex biochemical systems at the origin of life – Nat. Chem. Seelig, B.; Chen,* I. A.
2025-01-03 | BayesAge 2.0: a maximum likelihood algorithm to predict transcriptomic age – GeroScience. Mboning, L.; Costa, E. K.; Chen, J.; Bouchard,* L.-S.; Pellegrini, M.
2025-01-02 | Probing the Electric Double-Layer Capacitance to Understand the Reaction Environment in Conditions of Electrochemical Amination of Acetone – ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Guan, Y.; Kümper, J.; Kumari, S.; Heiming, N.; Mürtz, S. D.; Steinmann, S. N.; Palkovits, S.; Palkovits, R.; Sautet,* P.
2024-12-31 | Molecular basis of hemoglobin binding and heme removal in Corynebacterium diphtheriae – Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. Mahoney, B. J.; Lyman, L. R.; Ford, J.; Soule, J.; Cheung, N. A.; Goring, A. K.; Ellis-Guardiola, K.; Collazo, M. J.; Cascio, D.; Ton-That, H.; Schmitt, M. P.; Clubb,* R. T.
2024-12-31 | Chemical Conservation of Paper-Based Cultural Heritage – Molecules. Yan, Y.; Tang,* Y.; Yang, Y.
2024-12-23 | d-Galactose-Esterification of a Fungal Polyketide Catalyzed by a Carnitine Acyltransferase Domain – ChemBioChem. Nagasawa, K. K.; Yost, K. M.; Sun, Z.; Tang,* Y.
2024-12-23 | Unconventional aspects in metal-embedded laser-induced graphene – Chem. Sci. Borenstein, A.; Kaner,* R. B.
2024-12-23 | Constructing Dynamical Symmetries for Quantum Computing: Applications to Coherent Dynamics in Coupled Quantum Dots – Nanomaterials. Hamilton, J. R.; Levine,* R. D.; Remacle, F.
2024-12-21 | Chromenylium Star Polymers: Merging Water Solubility and Stealth Properties with Shortwave Infrared Emissive Fluorophores – ACS Cent. Sci. Mobley, E. B.; Lin, E. Y.; Sletten,* E. M.
2024-12-20 | Structural determinants of co-translational protein complex assembly – Cell. Mallik, S.; Venezian, J.; Lobov, A.; Heidenreich, M.; Garcia-Seisdedos, H.; Yeates,* T. O.; Shiber, A.; Levy, E. D.
2024-12-19 | Photoswitching Molecules Functionalized with Optical Cycling Centers Provide a Novel Platform for Studying Chemical Transformations in Ultracold Molecules – J. Phys. Chem. A. Wójcik, P.; Khvorost, T.; Lao, G.; Zhu, G.-Z.; Macias, A.; Caram,* J. R.; Campbell, W. C.; García-Garibay, M. A.; Hudson, E. R.; Alexandrova,* A. N.; Krylov, A. I.
2024-12-19 | Proximal quantum control of spin and spin ensemble with localized control field from skyrmions – Phys. Rev. Appl. Chowdhury, M. F. F.; Niknam, M.; Rajib, M. M.; Bouchard,* L.-S.; Atulasimha, J.
2024-12-19 | Achieving Olympicene Functionalization Three Ways – J. Org. Chem. Hartung, K. M.; Sletten,* E. M.
2024-12-18 | A Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Biosensor for Intracellular Measurement of Malonyl-CoA – ACS Bio Med Chem Au. Ranzau, B. L.; Robinson, T. D.; Scully, J. M.; Kapelczak, E. D.; Dean, T. S.; TeSlaa, T.; Schmitt,* D. L.
2024-12-18 | 229ThF4 thin films for solid-state nuclear clocks – Nature. Zhang, C.; von der Wense, L.; Doyle, J. F.; Higgins, J. S.; Ooi, T.; Friebel, H. U.; Ye, J.; Elwell, R.; Terhune, J. E. S.; Morgan, H. W. T.; Alexandrova,* A. N.; Tran Tan, H. B.; Derevianko, A.; Hudson, E. R.
2024-12-18 | The Exoproteome and Surfaceome of Toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae 1737 and Its Response to Iron Restriction and Growth on Human Hemoglobin – J. Proteome Res. Goring, A. K.; Hale, S.; Dasika, P.; Chen, Y.; Clubb,* R. T.; Loo,* J. A.
2024-12-16 | Regulating local environments towards enhanced electrochemical performance – Natl. Sci. Rev. Liu,* C.; Duan,* X.
2024-12-16 | Engineering Phages to Fight Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria – Chem. Rev. Peng, H.; Chen,* I. A.; Qimron, U.
2024-12-15 | A Long-Life Aqueous Rechargeable Aluminum-Ammonium Hybrid Battery – Adv. Energy Mater. Yuan, X.; Wang, T.; Zhong, J.; Peng, B.; Zhou, Q.; Xiong, X.; Li, C.; Liu, L.; Chen, Y.; Fu, L.; Zhu, J.; Wu, X.; Wu, Y.; Duan,* X.
2024-12-15 | Challenges of Legacy Chemicals – ACS Chem. Health Saf. Merlic,* C. A.; Schröder, I.; Kolodziej, C. M.
2024-12-14 | Acoustofluidics-Based Intracellular Nanoparticle Delivery – Engineering. Z. Lia, Z. Tianc, J. N. Belling, J. T. Rich, H. Zhu, Z. Ma, H. Bachman, L. Shen, Y. Liang, X. Qi, L. K. Heidenreich, Y. Gong, S. Yang, W. Zhang, P. Zhang, Y. Fu, Y. Ying, S. J. Jonas, Y. Li, P. S. Weiss*, and T. J. Huang.
2024-12-13 | Composition and in situ structure of the Methanospirillum hungatei cell envelope and surface layer – Sci. Adv. Wang, H.; Zhang, J.; Liao, S.; Henstra, A. M.; Leon, D.; Erde, J.; Loo,* J. A.; Ogorzalek Loo, R. R.; Zhou, Z. H.; Gunsalus, R. P.
2024-12-13 | Electrochemically-Formed Disordered Rock Salt ω-LixV9Mo6O40 as a Fast-Charging Li-Ion Electrode Material – Chem. Mater. Robertson, D. D.; Salamat, C. Z.; Pe, D. J.; Cumberbatch, H.; Agyeman-Budu, D. N.; Nelson Weker, J.; Tolbert,* S. H.
2024-12-12 | The function and enzymology of protein D-aspartyl/l-isoaspartyl methyltransferases in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells – Protein Methylation. Ota, I. M.; Clarke,* S.
2024-12-09 | Hybrid materials based on covalent organic frameworks for photocatalysis – InfoMat. Wei, S.; Hou, R.; Zhu, Q.; Shakir, I.; Fang, Z.; Duan,* X.; Xu, Y.
2024-12-09 | GOCIA: a grand canonical global optimizer for clusters, interfaces, and adsorbates – Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Zhang, Z.; Gee, W.; Lavroff, R. H.; Alexandrova,* A. N.
2024-12-09 | Halodealkenylation: Ozonolysis and Catalytic FeII with Vitamin C Convert C(sp3)–C(sp2) Bonds to C(sp3)–Halide Bonds – Org. Lett. Dehnert, B. W.; Yin, Y.; Kwon,* O.
2024-12-09 | Electronic Effects of Bidentate P,N-Ligands on the Elementary Steps of Au(I)/Au(III) Reactions Relevant to Cross-Coupling Chemistry – Org. Lett. Treacy, J. W.; Chao, E. Y.; Kunkel, G. E.; Louis-Goff, T.; Tilden, J. A. R.; Spokoyny,* A. M.; Maynard,* H. D.; Houk,* K. N.
2024-12-06 | From Beam Damage to Massive Reaction Amplification under the Electron Microscope: An Ionization-Induced Chain Reaction in Crystals of a Dewar Benzene – ACS Central Science. Krzysztof A. Konieczny, Indrajit Paul, Jose A. Rodriguez*, Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay*.
2024-12-05 | Hydrodealkenylative Cleavage of C(sp3)–C(sp2) Bonds: Preparation of (1S, 3R)-3-Methylcyclohexan-1-ol – Org. Synth. Dehnert, B. W.
2024-12-05 | Swimming kinematics of rainbow trout behind a 3×5 cylinder array: a computationally driven experimental approach to understanding fish locomotion – J. Exp. Biol. Sparks, D.; Rajeev, E.; Koley, S. S.; Canestrelli, A.; Liao,* J. C.
2024-11-27 | Thermally Stable Ag2Se Nanowire Network as an Effective In‐Materio Physical Reservoir Computing Device – Adv. Electron. Mater. Kotooka, T.; Lilak, S.; Stieg, A. Z.; Gimzewski,* J. K.; Sugiyama, N.; Tanaka, Y.; Kawabata, T.; Karacali, A.; Tamukoh, H.; Usami, Y.; Tanaka, H.
2024-11-26 | Multiscale approaches for optimizing the impact of strain on Na-ion battery cycle life – MRS Energy Sustain. Brady, M. J.; Andrews, J. L.; Zambotti, A.; Zhang, D.; Yuan, X.; Thurber, K.; Duan,* X.; Li, Y.; Nelson Weker, J.; Renuka Balakrishna, A.; See, K. A.; Seshadri, R.; Van der Ven, A.; Dunn, B. S.; Tolbert,* S. H.; Melot, B. C.
2024-11-26 | Isocyanide Ligation Enables Electrochemical Ammonia Formation in a Synthetic Cycle for N2 Fixation – J. Am. Chem. Soc. Jeremy E. Weber, Noah D. McMillion, Alexander S. Hegg, Ashlee E. Wertz, Mehrnaz Aliahmadi, Brandon Q. Mercado, Robert H. Crabtree, Hannah S. Shafaat*, Alexander J. M. Miller, Patrick L. Holland.
2024-11-21 | Many-body eigenstates from quantum manifold optimization – Phys. Rev. A. Smart, S. E.; Narang,* P.
2024-11-21 | Understanding the Finite Size and Surface Relaxation Effects on the Surface States of Bi2Se3 Family Topological Insulators – J. Phys. Chem. C. Weng, G.; Alexandrova,* A. N.
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2024-11-19 | Molecular Dynamics of the Davies Ambimodal C-H Functionalization/Cope Rearrangement Reaction – J. Org. Chem. Zhang, Y.; Cao, C.; She, Y.; Davies, H. M. L.; Yang, Y.-F.; Houk,* K. N.
2024-11-15 | Cu-Supported ZnO under Conditions of CO2 Reduction to Methanol: Why 0.2 ML Coverage? – J. Phys. Chem. Lett. Lavroff, R. H.; Cummings, E.; Sawant, K.; Zhang, Z.; Sautet,* P.; Alexandrova,* A. N.
2024-11-14 | Does the Traditional Band Picture Correctly Describe the Electronic Structure of n-Doped Conjugated Polymers? A TD-DFT and Natural Transition Orbital Study – J. Chem. Theory Comput. Wu, E. C.; Schwartz,* B. J.
2024-11-14 | Turning on Low-Temperature Catalytic Conversion of Biomass Derivatives through Teaming Pd1 and Mo1 Single-Atom Sites – J. Am. Chem. Soc. Yu Tang, George Yan, Shiran Zhang, Yuting Li, Luan Nguyen, Yasuhiro Iwasawa, Tomohiro Sakata, Christopher Andolina, Judith C. Yang, Philippe Sautet*, Franklin Feng Tao.
2024-11-14 | Stereoselective Radical Acylfluoroalkylation of Bicyclobutanes via N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalysis – Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Xiao, C.; Shan, J.; Liu, W.; Gao, X.; Dai, J.; Wang, Z.; Wang, W.; Houk,* K. N.; Zhao, J.
2024-11-13 | Detection of Nuclear RNA Decay Intermediates Using a Modified Oxford Nanopore RNA Sequencing Strategy – Methods Mol. Biol. He, K.; Chanfreau,* G. F.
2024-11-08 | Full on-device manipulation of olefin metathesis for precise manufacturing – Nat. Nanotechnol. Guo, Y.; Yang, C.; Zhang, L.; Hu, Y.; Hao, J.; Jia, C.; Yang, Y.; Xu, Y.; Li, X.; Mo, F.; Li, Y.; Houk,* K. N.; Guo, X.
2024-11-07 | Methylation and phosphorylation of formin homology domain proteins (Fhod1 and Fhod3) by protein arginine methyltransferase 7 (PRMT7) and Rho kinase (ROCK1) – J. Biol. Chem. Troy L. Lowe, Dylan A. Valencia, Vicente E. Velasquez, Margot E. Quinlan*, and Steven G. Clarke*.
2024-11-07 | Carbon–Carbon Bond Forming Reactions of Vinyl Cations: A Personal Perspective – Eur. J. Org. Chem. Riu, M. Y.; Popov, S.; Wigman, B.; Zhao, Z.; Wong, J.; Houk,* K. N.; Nelson,* H. M.
2024-11-06 | Layered hybrid superlattices as designable quantum solids – Nature. Wan, Z.; Qian, Q.; Huang, Y.; Duan,* X. Read about the research here.
2024-11-01 | A solution to the anti-Bredt olefin synthesis problem – Science. Luca McDermott, Zach G. Walters, Sarah A. French, Allison M. Clark, Jiaming Ding, Andrew V. Kelleghan, K. N. Houk, Neil K. Garg. Read about the research here.
2024-11-01 | HF Trimer: A New Full-Dimensional Potential Energy Surface and Rigorous 12D Quantum Calculations of Vibrational States – J. Phys. Chem. A. Li, J.; Vindel-Zandbergen, P.; Li, J.; Felker,* P. M.; Bačić, Z.
2024-10-31 | Heterotelechelic Organometallic PEG Reagents Enable Modular Access to Complex Bioconjugates – ACS Macro Lett. Kunkel, G. E.; Treacy, J. W.; Polite, M. F.; Montgomery, H. R.; Doud, E. A.; Houk,* K. N.; Spokoyny,* A. M.; Maynard,* H. D.
2024-10-30 | Protocells by spontaneous reaction of cysteine with short-chain thioesters – Nat. Chem. Cho, C. J.; An, T.; Lai, Y.-C.; Vázquez-Salazar, A.; Fracassi, A.; Brea, R. J.; Chen,* I. A.; Devaraj, N. K.
2024-10-30 | A genomic analysis reveals the diversity of cellulosome displaying bacteria – Front. Microbiol. Minor, C. M.; Takayesu, A.; Ha, S. M.; Salwinski, L.; Sawaya, M. R.; Pellegrini, M.; Clubb,* R. T.
2024-10-29 | Organometallic Chemistry Tools for Building Biologically Relevant Nanoscale Systems – J. Am. Chem. Soc. James A. R. Tilden, Evan A. Doud, Hayden R. Montgomery, Heather D. Maynard*, Alexander M. Spokoyny*.
2024-10-29 | Site-Selective Zwitterionic Poly(caprolactone-carboxybetaine)-Growth Hormone Receptor Antagonist Conjugate: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation – Biomacromolecules. Yang, J.; Gelb, M. B.; Tamshen, K.; Forsythe, N. L.; Ko, J. H.; Puente, E. G.; Pelegri-O‘Day, E.; Jamieson, S. M. F.; Perry, J. K.; Maynard,* H. D.
2024-10-28 | Chemoproteogenomic stratification of the missense variant cysteinome – Nat. Commun. Heta Desai, Katrina H. Andrews, Kristina V. Bergersen, Samuel Ofori, Fengchao Yu, Flowreen Shikwana, Mark A. Arbing, Lisa M. Boatner, Miranda Villanueva, Nicholas Ung, Elaine F. Reed, Alexey I. Nesvizhskii & Keriann M. Backus*.
2024-10-28 | Tailoring smart hydrogels through manipulation of heterogeneous subdomains – Nat. Commun. Yang, H.; Liu, T.; Jin, L.; Huang, Y.; Duan,* X.; Sun, H.
2024-10-25 | Electric fields imbue enzyme reactivity by aligning active site fragment orbitals – PNAS. M. E. Eberhart, Timothy R. Wilson, T. E. Jones, and Anastassia N. Alexandrova*.
2024-10-24 | Delineating cysteine-reactive compound modulation of cellular proteostasis processes – Nature Chemical Biology. Ashley R. Julio, Flowreen Shikwana, Cindy Truong, Nikolas R. Burton, Emil R. Dominguez III, Alexandra C. Turmon, Jian Cao, Keriann M. Backus*. Read about the research here.
2024-10-22 | Probing the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless vortex unbinding transition in two-dimensional superconductors using local noise magnetometry – Phys. Rev. B. Curtis, J. B.; Maksimovic, N.; Poniatowski, N. R.; Yacoby, A.; Halperin, B.; Narang,* P.; Demler, E.
2024-10-21 | Selective Reduction of Nitroarenes via Noncontact Hydrogenation – J. Am. Chem. Soc. An, H.; Ding, Y.; Sautet,* P.; Sun, G.; Yan, N.
2024-10-18 | Targeted Modulation of Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Activity by Nickel-Substituted Rubredoxin through Functionalized Ruthenium Phototriggers – Inorg. Chem. Ashlee E. Wertz, Sean C. Marguet, Claudia Turro, Hannah S. Shafaat*.
2024-10-17 | Facile Synthesis of Low-Dimensional and Mild-Alkaline Magnesium Carbonate Hydrate for Safe Multiple Protection of Paper Relics – Molecules. Wang, Y.; Zhu, Z.; Wang, J.; Liu, P.; Ji, X.; Zhang, H.; Tang,* Y.
2024-10-16 | Proceedings of the 2023 Laboratory Safety Workshop – Human Factors: Safety and Technology – ACS Chem. Health Saf. Schröder, I.; Merlic,* C.
2024-10-15 | Lessons Learned─Explosion and Fires Resulting from Quenching Lithium, Lithium Nitride, and Sodium – ACS Chem. Health Saf. Schröder, I.; Kolodziej, C. M.; Moreno, J. A.; Merlic,* C. A.
2024-10-15 | Evaluating the Chemical Reactivity of DFT-Simulated Liquid Water with Hydrated Electrons via the Dual Descriptor – J. Chem. Theory Comput. Borrelli, W. R.; Liu, X.; Schwartz,* B. J.
2024-10-15 | Author Correction: Real-time monitoring of reaction stereochemistry through single-molecule observations of chirality-induced spin selectivity – Nat. Chem. Yang, C.; Li, Y.; Zhou, S.; Guo, Y.; Jia, C.; Liu, Z.; Houk,* K. N.; Dubi, Y.; Guo, X.
2024-10-09 | Hydration of Nitriles to Primary Amides Enabled by the Ghaffar-Parkins Catalyst – Org. Synth. Turner, D. W.
2024-10-09 | Introduction: Two-Dimensional Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides – Chem. Rev. Duan,* X.; Zhang, H.
2024-10-08 | No more gap-shifting: Stochastic many-body-theory based TDHF for accurate theory of polymethine cyanine dyes – J. Chem. Phys. Bradbury, N. C.; Li, B. Y.; Allen, T.; Caram,* J. R.; Neuhauser,* D.
2024-10-08 | Cascade Photoreaction in Crystals: A Phase Change Caused by a Dewar Benzene Quantum Chain Triggers a Topochemical [2 + 2] Photodimerization – J. Am. Chem. Soc. Indrajit Paul, Krzysztof A. Konieczny, Roberto Chavez, Jing-Ran Shan, Kendall N. Houk*, Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay*.
2024-10-07 | Machine-Learning Prediction of Protein Function from the Portrait of Its Intramolecular Electric Field – J. Am. Chem. Soc. Santiago Vargas, Shobhit S. Chaturvedi, Anastassia N. Alexandrova*.
2024-10-03 | Methylation and phosphorylation of formin homology domain proteins (Fhod1 and Fhod3) by protein arginine methyltransferase 7 (PRMT7) and Rho kinase (ROCK1) – J. Biol. Chem. Lowe, T. L.; Valencia, D. A.; Velasquez, V. E.; Quinlan,* M. E.; Clarke,* S. G.
2024-10-02 | A Glucose-Responsive Glucagon-Micelle for the Prevention of Hypoglycemia – ACS Cent. Sci. Daniele Vinciguerra, Rajalakshmi P S, Jane YangPanagiotis G. Georgiou, Katherine Snell, Théo Pesenti, Jeffrey Collins, Mikayla Tamboline, Shili Xu, R. Michael van Dam, Kathryn M. M. Messina, Andrea L. Hevener, Heather D. Maynard*. Read about the research here.
2024-10-02 | In Memoriam: Professor Vladimír Sklenář (April 16, 1951 – April 13, 2024) – J. Magn. Reson. Bax, A.; Feigon,* J.
2024-09-30 | Amyloid nomenclature 2024: update, novel proteins, and recommendations by the International Society of Amyloidosis (ISA) Nomenclature Committee – Amyloid. Buxbaum, J. N.; Eisenberg,* D. S.; Fändrich, M.; McPhail, E. D.; Merlini, G.; Saraiva, M. J. M.; Sekijima, Y.; Westermark, P.
2024-09-28 | A Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Biosensor for Intracellular Measurement of Malonyl-CoA – biocRxiv (preprint) – Brodie Ranzau, Tiffany Robinson, Jack Scully, Edmund Kapelczack, Teagan Dean, Tara TeSlaa, Danielle Schmitt*.
2024-09-27 | Non‐Ionic Fluorosurfactants for Droplet‐Based in vivo Applications – Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. van de Wouw, H. L.; Yen, S.; Valet, M.; Garcia, J. A.; Gomez, C. O.; Vian, A.; Liu, Y.; Pollock, J.; Pospíšil, P.; Campàs, O.; Sletten,* E. M.
2024-09-27 | Nonfunctional coq10 mutants maintain the ERMES complex and reveal true phenotypes associated with the loss of the coenzyme Q chaperone protein Coq10 – J. Biol. Chem. Novales, N. A.; Feustel, K. J.; He, K. L.; Chanfreau,* G. F.; Clarke,* C. F.
2024-09-27 | High power density redox-mediated Shewanella microbial flow fuel cells – Nat. Commun. Zhang, L.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Wang, S.; Lee, C. K.; Huang, Y.; Duan,* X.
2024-09-26 | Electronic Effects of Bidentate P,N-Ligands on the Elementary Steps of Au(I)/Au(III) Reactions Relevant to Cross-Coupling Chemistry – ChemRxiv (preprint). Joseph Treacy, Elaine Chao, Grace Kunkel, Thomas Louis-Goff, James Tilde, Alexander Spokoyny*, Heather Maynard*, Kendall Houk*.
2024-09-25 | WDR5 Binding to Histone Serotonylation Is Driven by an Edge-Face Aromatic Interaction with Unexpected Electrostatic Effects – J. Am. Chem. Soc. Travis, C. R.; Henriksen, H. C.; Wilkinson, J. R.; Schomburg, N. K.; Treacy, J. W.; Kean, K. M.; Houk,* K. N.; Waters, M. L.
2024-09-24 | Microfluidic dissolution of nanoemulsions in solvents – Soft Matter. Dinh, T.; Xu, Y.; Mason,* T. G.; Cubaud, T.