A world of applications from nanomaterials | “The Science Show”

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Professor Paul Weiss discussed the future of nanoscience and nanotechnology in an interview with science journalist Robyn Williams on the popular radio program.

The Australian Broadcasting Corp’s “The Science Show” is considered by many to be the world’s best science broadcast program. Weiss was interviewed for the one-hour radio show when Williams recently visited the UCLA campus. The ten-minute interview aired on April 7, 2018. The interview and transcript can be accessed here.

To learn more about Weiss’ research, visit his group’s website.

Summary from “The Science Show” website:

A world of applications from nanomaterials

Our investigation of matter at the nano level began following the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope in the early 1980s. The understanding of molecular interactions brings with it an almost limitless range of applications. As Paul Weiss explains, it is allowing investigations of brain chemistry, how neurons work, of gut chemistry, quantum computing and so much more. The image right shows a super-thin bendable pressure sensor, developed by professor Takao Someya in Tokyo. The sensor contains carbon nanotubes and graphenes and could be used in gloves to detect breast lumps and make a digital record of the examination. The sheet has 144 locations that can measure pressure and is so flexible it can detect pressure changes accurately even when twisted like cloth.

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Image: nanoscale structures are fabricated using methods developed at UCLA for use in controlling light and for high-throughput gene editing. (Paul Weiss group UCLA)