Graduate student Nako Nakatsuka (A Andrews/P Weiss groups) won “Grand Overall Prize” at the Brain in Flux meeting & she recently starred in a science video for kids.
Nakatsuka also received a competitive travel award for her presentation at the “The Brain in Flux: Genetic, Physiologic, and Therapeutic Perspectives on Transporters in the Nervous System” meeting which took place August 25–29, 2017 in Maintenon, France. Nakatsuka’s co-advisor, Professor Anne Andrews, gave an invited talk at the meeting on “Serotonin transporter function and anxiety-related behavior”.
Professor Anne Andrews with graduate student Nako Nakatsuka. Photo courtesy of Lisa Konrad.
Nakatsuka also recently starred in a “Kid’s Teach Science” video for Pfizer, produced by BuzzFeed. The goal of this video was to introduce science to younger children in a way that is exciting so that they are inspired to pursue the physical sciences such as chemistry. Nakatsuka believes that this was a great opportunity to reach out to a younger generation (under 10-year-olds) of future scientists in addition to the many outreach events that already exist as part of our UCLA and CNSI programs.