Summer Programs for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) poster session

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Undergraduate summer researchers from SPUR ten-week programs presented their posters at the August 30, 2017 event in the Young Hall Student Collaboratory.

The visiting students were from various SPUR programs including Amgen Scholars; CARE Science, Engineering and Math Summer Program for Undergraduate Research Scholars (CARE SEM SPUR); Clare Boothe Luce Scholars; and University of California Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees (UC LEADS) Scholars.

Our visiting students who participated in SPUR eight-week programs presented their research at a poster session on August 17, 2017. 

Read more about our visiting summer researchers here

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Amgen Scholar Jerika Chiong (Garcia-Garibay group) explains her research.  Amgen Scholar Van Hseih (center) with graduate student mentor Scott McConnell (left) and faculty mentor Professor Robert Clubb (right).

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(Left) Amgen Scholar Katherine Morillo (left) with graduate student mentor Joseph Ong (Torres group). (Right) Graduate students Jonelle White (S Clarke group) and Ivan Ramirez (Torres group) helped out at the event.

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(Left) CARE SEM SPUR Scholar Lucas Repeta (Feigon group) explains his research.  (Right) CARE SEM SPUR Scholar Evelyn Hernandez (Rodriguez group)(left) discusses her research.

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(Left) Amgen Scholar Claire Page (Tang group) with her poster.  (Right) Clare Boothe Luce Scholar Paige Curson (Kaner group) explains her research.

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(Left) Clare Boothe Luce Scholar Selena Hernandez (Jung/Radu groups) with her poster.  (Right) Amgen Scholar Chloe Williams (Merlic group) with her poster.

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(Left) UC LEADS Scholar Joshua Abraham (Bowie group) explains his research. (Right) Amgen Scholar Emma Carley (Quinlan group) discussed her research.

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(Left) CARE SEM SPUR Scholar Abril Morales (Torres group) explains her poster.  (Right) CARE SEM SPUR Scholar Nicole Filbert (Torres group) discusses her research.

Photos by Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.