UCLA Art|Sci Center celebrates 10 year anniversary with book launch

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The UCLA community joined founders Professor Jim Gimzewski and Professor Victoria Vesna to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Art|Sci. 

A new book, “Retrospective: A Decade of Intersections” was launched at the November 5th event at the Fowler Museum.

The volume catalogs over 200 collaborative and interdisciplinary exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and curricula that have come out of the creative intersection of the arts and the sciences at UCLA. The event also marks the beginning of a collaborative initiative with the Fowler Museum.

The Art|Sci Center is located inside the California Nanoscience Institute which offers access to both top-notch science and a permanent exhibition space. The center, founded by chemistry professor Gimzewski and design and media arts professor Vesna, hosts the Sci|Art NanoLab Summer Institute for high school students and supports visiting research scholars and artists in residency from around the world. It also offers regular lectures, symposia, and other events.

Book Launch 5
At the Art|Sci reception and book launch: Professor Jeff F. Miller (Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics), Professor Victoria Vesna (Design and Media Arts),  Professor Emeritus Roberto Peccei (Physics & Astronomy) and Professor Jim Gimzewski (Chemistry and Biochemistry)

Photo courtesy of Mick Lorusso (Art|Sci)