Study Finds that Bacteria Organize According to ‘Rich-Get-Richer’ Principle

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Wong Gerard

Professor Gerard Wong and colleagues discovered that highly resilient bacteria communities known as biofilms organize in a rich-get-richer pattern similar to many economies.

The study, published online May 8 in the journal Nature, is the first to identify the strategy by which bacteria form the micro-colonies that become biofilms, which can cause lethal infections. The research may have significant implications for battling stubborn bacterial infections that do not respond to antibiotics.

Bacteria Prosperity Prv
Like people attracted to cities, bacteria use established trails and organize into
large colonies, following a rich-get-richer principle. Courtesy of UCLA Newsroom

Bacteria in biofilms behave very differently from free-swimming bacteria. Within biofilms, bacteria change their gene expression patterns and are far more resistant to antibiotics and the body’s immune defenses than individual, free-swimming bacteria, because they mass together and are protected by a matrix of proteins, DNA and long, chain-like sugar molecules called polysaccharides. This makes seemingly routine infections potentially deadly.

Gerard Wong, professor of bioengineering at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science, member of the California NanoSystems Institute, and professor of chemistry and biochemstry at UCLA; Erik Luijten, professor of materials science and engineering and of applied mathematics at Northwestern University; and Matthew R. Parsek, professor of microbiology at the University of Washington, led a team of researchers who elucidated the early formation of biofilms by developing algorithms that describe the movements of the different strains of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa and by conducting computer simulations to map the bacteria’s movements. P. aeruginosa can cause lethal, difficult-to-treat infections, including those found in cystic fibrosis and AIDS patients.

The rest of the story is available at the UCLA Newsroom.

This story has been also covered by prominent sources, as such as ScienceDaily and American Public Media’s Marketplace Morning Report (Listen to the report for May 10, 2013 at the 6 minute 19 second mark).

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