Professor Richard Kaner Selected as the Recipient of the 115th Faculty Research Lectureship, Awarded by the UCLA Academic Senate

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The UCLA Academic Senate selected Professor Richard Kaner as the recipient of the 115th Faculty Research Lectureship for his outstanding record of accomplishment, placing him among the university’s most distinguished scholars.

As a recipient of the 115th Faculty Research Lectureship, Kaner will give a public lecture on the topic of his choice in Fall 2013, to be followed by a reception held in his honor.

Every year, the Academic Senate awards lectureships to two faculty members, one from the natural sciences and one from the humanities, social disciplines, or creative arts, with the purpose of acknowledging faculty achievements and giving the campus and community the chance to learn about them from the perspectives of the faculty honored. The first Faculty Research Lecture was given in 1925, and the lectureship series was expanded to include two a year in 1986. Faculty Research Lectureships are presented biannually, in the Fall and Spring quarters.

Past recipients of Faculty Research Lectureships within the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry include William G. Young (1947), Saul Winstein (1955), Donald J. Cram (1970), Paul D. Boyer (1982), David Eisenberg (1989), Mostafa A. El-Sayed (1991), M. Frederick Hawthorne (1995), Kendall N. Houk (1998), and Steven G. Clarke (2009).