The piece, “Nano Day: Celebrating the Next Decade of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, was promoted by the ACS as their “editors’ choice” top paper of the day.
Weiss is the Editor-in-Chief of ACS Nano, an international forum for the communication of comprehensive articles on nanoscience and nanotechnology research at the interfaces of chemistry, biology, materials science, physics, and engineering. The journal is published by the American Chemistry Society (ACS).
The article was published online and will appear in the October 2016, issue of ACS Nano. It was part of a nationwide program put together by the coordinating office for the National Nanotechnology Initiative and the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP).
ACS Nano
editors Prof. Paul Weiss and Prof. Andre Nel at UCLA, along with other leading nanoscientists elsewhere, also
ACS Nano
editors, wrote the thought piece on the next decade of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Sunday, October 9, 2016, was National Nanotechnology Day (think 10-9).
“Nanoscience and nanotechnology are poised to contribute to a wide range of fields, from health and medicine to electronics, energy, security, and more“, the paper states. “These contributions come both directly in the form of new materials, interfaces, tools, and even properties as well as indirectly by connecting fields together. We celebrate how far we have come, and here, we look at what is to come over the next decade that will leverage the strong and growing base that we have built in nanoscience and nanotechnology.”
To learn more about Weiss’ research visit his website.
Image published in: Cherie R. Kagan; Laura E. Fernandez; Yury Gogotsi; Paula T. Hammond; Mark C. Hersam; André E. Nel; Reginald M. Penner; C. Grant Willson; Paul S. Weiss; ACS Nano Ahead of Print.
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b06655, Copyright © 2016 American Chemical Society