ACS Division of Organic Chemistry (DOC) Virtual Symposium

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On May 8, 2018, the Houk group hosted a virtual symposium on synthetic organic chemistry featuring talks by Sarah Reisman (Caltech) and Phil Baran (Scripps).  

The first quarterly American Chemical Society (ACS)-DOC virtual symposium, featuring two total-synthesis “stars”, was viewed “live” by students and postdocs in Young Hall 2033 conference room via YouTube. Professor Sarah Reisman, California Institute of Technology, gave a talk titled “Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Natural Products and the Chemistry They Inspire” and by, and Professor Phil Baran, the Scripps Research Institute, gave a talk titled “Studies in Natural Prodcut Total Synthesis”. 

To learn more about the Houk group’s research, visit their website.

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Professor Kendall Houk poses with symposium attendees in front of the projected video in Young Hall 2033.

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Professor Sarah Reisman (Caltech) gave a talk titled “Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Natural Products and the Chemistry They Inspire”.

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 Professor Phil Baran (Scripps) gave a talk titled “Studies in Natural Prodcut Total Synthesis”.

Photos courtesy of Prof. Kendall Houk.