The summer seminar series, hosted by the Graduate Biochemistry Student Association (gBSA), features two special guest speakers, three alumni career talks, and two research talks.
Starting July 8, 2022, the seminars will take place every Friday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Cram Conference room in the Molecular Sciences Building, Room 3440. (There will be no seminar on September 2 in observance of the Labor Day holiday.) A PDF of the series schedule can be viewed here. All are invited to attend. There is a hybrid option, the Zoom link will be emailed out each week.
Special guest speakers include our newest BMSB faculty member Professor Danielle Schmitt who will give a research talk and career coach Fran Zone. Research talks will also be presented by a current postdoctoral scholar and a current graduate student.
Three biochemistry Ph.D. alumni will return to UCLA to give talks about their careers after graduate school. Students and postdocs will be given the opportunity to sign up to meet and dine with the alumni speakers to ask them questions and learn more about their career paths.
At the “Professional Clubs Mixer” attendees will have an opportunity to learn about UCLA graduate student organizations and the last seminar of the series will be a special “Amateur Hour” where incoming graduate students will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and present their previous research.
Here is this year’s schedule:
- July 8 – Sam DeMario (graduate student, Guillaume Chanfreau group)
- July 15 – Dr. Michelle Gibbs (postdoctoral scholar, Guillaume Chanfreau group)
- July 22 – Alumnus Dr. Brendan Amer (Ph.D. ’17, Robert Clubb group), Senior Scientist, Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA
- July 29 – Alumna Dr. Jesmine Chueng (Ph.D. ’17, Carla Koehler group), Associate Director, Medical Affairs Strategic Planning & Operations, Myovant Sciences, Brisbane, CA
- August 5 – Alumna Professor Jonelle White (Ph.D. ’19, Steven Clarke group), Term Assistant Biochemistry Professor, Barnard College, New York, NY
- August 12 – Professor Danielle Schmitt, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry, Molecular and Structural Biology (BMSB), UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
- August 19 – Professional Clubs Mixer! Featuring UCLA graduate organizations (Note location: Boyer Hall 159)
- August 26 – Guest Speaker – Fran Zone, Career Coach and Leadership Communications Strategist, Zone Communication, San Francisco, CA
- September 2 – No meeting – Labor Day Holiday week
- September 9 – Amateur Hour! A great opportunity to meet our incoming first-year students and learn about their research. (Note location: Boyer Hall 159)
The UCLA Graduate Biochemistry Student Association (gBSA) is a student-run organization whose goal is to “promote camaraderie between students, share knowledge, and offer opportunities to better prepare ourselves for future careers.”
Please contact Hannah Bailey or Bryan Christian, or, for more information about the series, such as:
- To obtain the Zoom logon information to attend virtually, which will change each week.
- To be added to the email list for the series so that you will automatically receive the Zoom logon information each week
- To learn how to meet with the speakers
- For more information about the UCLA Graduate Biochemistry Student Association (gBSA).
Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,