2020 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellows

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Congratulations to our current and former students who have received prestigious 2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Awards and Honorable Mentions.

2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships (GRFP) were awarded to graduate students Cesar Garcia (Sletten group), Andrew Kelleghan (Garg group), Nicole Lynn (Torres group), Milauni Mehta (Garg group), Angel Mendoza (Harran group), and Cameron Movassaghi (Andrews group) and undergraduate researcher Jack Tulyag (Tolbert group).  

NSF Awards 2020 1

2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship recipients – Cesar Garcia, Andrew Kelleghan, Nicole Lynn, Milauni Mehta, Angel Mendoza, Cameron Movassaghi, and Jack Tulyag.

Also a significant national academic achievement, 2020 Honorable Mentions by NSF were accorded to graduate students Grace Kunkel (Maynard group), Matthew McVeigh (Garg group), Mikayla Tan (Maynard group) and Samantha Zink (Rodriguez group) and undergraduate researcher Jenna Molas (Kaner group).

NSF Honorable 2020

2020 NSF Honorable Mention recipients – Grace Kunkel, Matthew McVeigh, Mikayla Tan, Samantha Zink, and Jenna Molas.

Former undergraduate researcher Lindsay Chaney ’15 (Kaner group), now a graduate student in the Hersam group at Northwestern University, also received a 2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Honorable mentions were accorded to former undergraduate researchers Riley Fricke ’17 (Liao group), now a graduate student in the Schepartz group at the University of California, Berkeley; Evelyn Hernandez ‘18 (Rodriguez group) now a graduate student in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (TETRAD) Ph.D. Program at the University of California, San Francisco; and John Kozlowski ’18 (Neuhauser group) now a graduate student in the Burke group at the University of California, Irvine.

Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemisry, penny@chem.ucla.edu.