Six graduate students, three undergraduate student researchers, and two alumnas receive highly competitive 2019 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program awards.
In addition, two graduate students received 2019 NSF Honorable Mentions.
2019 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships (GRFP) were awarded to graduate students Kierstyn Anderson (Spokoyny group), Maria Flores (Rodriquez group), Janine Fu (Loo group), Francesca Ippoliti (Garg group), Shreya Patel and Daniel Robertson (Tolbert group) and undergraduate researchers Ronnie Garcia (Garcia-Garibay group), Michael Mellody (P. Weiss Group) and Claire Page (Tang group). 2019 Honorable Mentions by NSF, also a significant national academic achievement, were accorded to graduate students Mackenzie Anderson (Kaner group) and Jason Chari (Garg group).
(Clockwise from top) Kierstyn Anderson, Maria Flores, Janine Fu, Francesca Ippoliti, Shreya Patel, Daniel Robertson, Ronnie Garcia, Michael Mellody, Claire Page, Mackenzie Anderson, and Jason Chari.
Two former Kaner group undergraduate researchers were also selected to receive 2019 NSF GRFP fellowships: Amylynn Chen (left) (’16 Chemistry), now a graduate student in Professor Julia Greer’s group at Caltech (and also the recipient of a 2019 NDSEG Fellowship), and Nanetta Pon (right) (’17 Materials Research – Polymers), currently a graduate student in Professor Stuart Rowan’s group at the University of Chicago.
Penny Jennings, Communications Manager, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,