2014 NSF Fellows

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In a field of 14,000+ applicants, four Chemistry & Biochemistry graduate students were awarded and five received honorable mention for the 2014 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

Emma Baker (Garg Group), Alexandra Mendoza (P. Weiss and Zink Groups), Emma Pelegri-O’Day (Maynard Group), and Jeffrey Vinokur (Bowie Group) were awarded with the 2014 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship.

In addition, John Cook (Tolbert Group), Nanette Jarenwattananon (Bouchard Group), Kristofer Marsh (Kaner Group), Richard Sportsman (Gelbart Group), and Devon Widmer (Schwartz Group) received honorable mention from NSF.

The National Science Foundation‘s Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science and engineering in the United States and reinforces its diversity. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited US institutions. The NSF welcomes applications from all qualified students and strongly encourages under-represented populations, including women, under-represented racial and ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities, to apply for this fellowship.

The GRFP Fellows receive three years of support, $32,000 annual stipend, $12,000 cost-of-education allowance to the institution, XSEDE Supercomputer access, and international research opportunities, and professional development opportunities.

Emma%20baker Emma%20Pelegri O%27Day
Jeffrey%20Vinokur Alexandra%20Mendoza
Kris%20Marsh John%20CookRichard%20Sportsman%202 Devon%20Widmer Nanette%20Jarenwattananon
1st Row: Emma Baker, Emma Pelegri-O’Day
2nd Row: Jeffrey Vinokur, Alexandra Mendoza
3rd Row: Kristofer Marsh, John Cook
4th Row: Richard Sportsman, Devon Widmer, Nanette Jarenwattananon