Marine derived natural product inhibits a molecular machine

4 years ago

Professor Patrick Harran’s group and collaborators have discovered how the marine natural product callyspongiolide kills cancer cells.  The discovery was the result of a collaboration between the Harran group and […]

Marine derived natural product inhibits a molecular machine
November 5

Computer Program Enumerates 2 Billion Drug-Like Molecules

4 years ago

Harran and Houk groups create computer software that predicts structure and three-dimensional conformations of products made from synthetic reaction sequences.   The Composite Peptide Macrocycle Strategy, used to make the synthetic […]

Computer Program Enumerates 2 Billion Drug-Like Molecules
September 18

2019 Donald J. Cram Distinguished Lecture

5 years ago

Professor Jennifer Doudna (University of California, Berkeley) gave the 2019 Donald J Cram Distinguished Lecture on November 14.   Enthusiastic students, postdocs, researchers, and faculty members attended the standing-room-only lecture in […]

2019 Donald J. Cram Distinguished Lecture
November 21

Departmental Vice Chairs appointed

6 years ago

Professors Anastassia Alexandrova, Patrick Harran, and Margot Quinlan have agreed to serve as the Vice Chairs of the department, effective July 1, 2019. Alexandrova will serve as the Vice Chair […]

Departmental Vice Chairs appointed
July 9

Harran group research highlighted in the Royal Society’s Chemistry World

7 years ago

In the opinion piece, Professor Patrick Harran and his group were recognized for their “highly creative approach to macrocycle synthesis”.   The writer refers to the Harran group’s recent paper “Unconventional […]

Harran group research highlighted in the Royal Society’s Chemistry World
March 5

Academic curiosity leads to promising cancer treatment | “The Science Show”

8 years ago

Professor Patrick Harran discussed his research on the molecule DZ-2384 in a recent interview with science journalist Robyn Williams on the popular radio program. The Australian Broadcasting Corp’s “The Science […]

Academic curiosity leads to promising cancer treatment | “The Science Show”
July 31

31st IOCF Yoshida Lectureship

8 years ago

Professor Patrick Harran was awarded the 31st Yoshida Lectureship from the International Organic Chemistry Foundation (IOCF) in Japan.  In recognition of his “outstanding contributions to organic chemistry”, Harran presented two […]

31st IOCF Yoshida Lectureship
May 12

Professor Patrick Harran & researcher Dr. Hui Ding’s work on ground-breaking chemical compound featured in UCLA Newsroom

8 years ago

A synthetic version of a rare natural toxin appears to hold promise for treating cancer while minimizing the harmful side effects of chemotherapy drugs. Harran’s chemistry efforts and close collaboration […]

Professor Patrick Harran & researcher Dr. Hui Ding’s work on ground-breaking chemical compound featured in UCLA Newsroom
November 18