Welcoming New Undergraduate Students

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On the first day of instruction, the department started what will surely become a long-standing tradition: a chemistry and biochemistry department reception for incoming students.  

The undergraduate office invited 348 incoming first-year majors and 116 incoming transfer students to the Student Study Center (Young Hall 4222) for an informal reception where they met faculty, current students, student group leaders, and undergraduate counselors.  

Perhaps even most importantly, the event gave the incoming chemistry and biochemistry undergraduate students the opportunity to meet each other.  

At the September 21st event, the new Bruins were able to compare notes about residence halls and class times and they got study tips from the older students.  Several faculty members attended and encouraged the new students to get to know the faculty as well by attending office hours or even just stopping by their office. 

The event was a great way for these ambitious and accomplished students to start the year.

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Photo Captions

1. Professor Cathy Clarke (left) and undergraduate counselors Denise Mantonya (center) and Tim Mahlanza (second from the right) with new undergraduate students.

2. Professor Bill Gelbart (left) visits with the new students.

3. Members of the Beta Gamma Chapter of the Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity (AXE) attended the event to welcome everyone.

4. Professor Yung-Ya Lin (right) with new students.

5. (Left to right) Professor Hosea Nelson, instructor Dr. Alf Bacher, Professor Alexander Spokoyny with students.

6. Instructors Dr. Heather Tienson (fourth from left) and Dr. Maria Dzialo (third from right) with students.

Photos by Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry