Spring 2023 Distinguished Lecture by Professor Ben Feringa

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Noble laureate and nanotechnology pioneer Professor Ben L. Feringa (University of Groningen) visited UCLA on April 13, 2023, to give the Spring 2023 Distinguished Lecture.

Feringa was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, together with Sir J. Fraser Stoddart and Jean-Pierre Sauvage, “for the design and synthesis of molecular machines”.

Over 200 faculty, students, and researchers attended Feringa’s lecture titled “The Art of Building Small”, which was held in the department’s new Dongwon Yoo Seminar & Conference Hall in the Mani L. Bhaumik Collaboratory in Young Hall.

At the lecture, Distinguished Lecture Series Chair Professor Ken Houk, introduced Feringa. After a question and answer period, Feringa was presented with an engraved crystal plaque. A reception followed the lecture in the Collaboratory study hall.

Select photos from the event can be viewed below and a photo gallery can be viewed here.

Over 200 faculty, students and researchers attended Prof. Feringa’s lecture in the new Dongwon Yoo Seminar & Conference Hall.
Prof. Feringa drew a laugh from the audience when he showed a screen shot from a 2010 episode of The Simpsons in which he was listed as a potential winner in the chemistry category in a Nobel Prize betting pool, six years before he actually won the prize.
During the question and answer period following the lecture.
(Left) Following the lecture, Distinguished Lecture Series Chair Prof. Ken Houk presented Prof. Feringa with an engraved crystal plaque. (Right) At the reception following the lecture, students had the opportunity to speak with Prof. Feringa.
At the reception following the lecture, (left to right) Professors Ric Kaner, Dean of Physical Sciences Miguel Garcia-Garibay, Michael Jung, Ben Feringa, Ken Houk, Neil Garg, Stuart Conway (who will join the UCLA faculty in July), and Heather Maynard.
Prof. Feringa posed for a photo with the students at the reception.

Photos and article by Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, penny@chem.ucla.edu.