The Materials Research Society (MRS) has named Professor Ric Kaner as the 2015 MRS Medalist.
Professor Kaner is being honored for his “discovery of efficient methods to synthesize water dispersible conducting polymer nanofibers and their applications in sensors, actuators, molecular memory devices, catalysis, and the novel process of flash welding”.
The MRS Medal is awarded annually by the society for a specific outstanding recent discovery or advancement that has a major impact on the progress of a materials-related field. It is one of the highest recognitions a materials scientist can receive.
Professor Kaner will receive a $5,000 prize and he will present a medal lecture at the 2015 Fall MRS meeting in December.
Professor Ric Kaner with his various journal covers representing his research on conducting polymer nanofibers research. The image on the right is of tetraniline in full bloom. Tetraniline is
the smallest repeat unit of the conjugated (i.e. conducting) polymer polyaniline
. The image was the 2013 MRS Science as Art
First Place Award.
The Materials Research Society (MRS) was established in 1973 by a group of scientists who shared the belief that their professional interests were broader in scope than existing single-discipline societies and that a new interdisciplinary organization was needed. It has over 16,000 members from academia, industry and government spanning over 80 countries.
To learn more about Professor Kaner’s research visit his lab’s homepage.