Biscuits, in TEA-ory is a monthly event conceived by graduate students in the UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry with support from Professor Anastassia Alexandrova, the faculty advisor for the theory and computation research track. The goal is to provide an informal space for theory graduate students and postdocs to meet, exchange ideas, or even start collaborations over tea and biscuits (“cookies”). All theory (or theoretically inclined) graduate students and postdocs in the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department are welcome to attend, and young researchers are especially encouraged to join the society.
For those who wish to receive announcements and information on how they can support this student-organized event (e.g., by bringing teatime treats!), please send an email to
The first meeting will be held on Friday, October 21, 2022 in Winstein Cafe Commons (Young Hall 3037) at 4 pm.