National Academy of Sciences: Biographical Memoir of Orville Chapman

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Arlene Russell and Ken Houk have written a biographical memoir of Orville Chapman, eminent UCLA professor who passed away in 2004. The memoir has been published online by the National Academy of Sciences.

Excerpt from the NAS memoir: Orville Chapman was widely recognized as a creative scholar and leader in multiple fields of scientific endeavor. He was a trailblazer and innovator in photochemistry, matrix isolation spectroscopy, reaction intermediates, chemical communication, the mechanism of olfactory perception, and polymeric materials. He devoted his energies not only to invention and discovery but also to conceiving and bringing into practice new modes of education; for example, he gained a worldwide reputation for bringing the best of information technology to academia. Chapman’s intellect, imagination, and personality attracted tremendously talented students and postdoctoral fellows to his research group, which was a fountain of ideas and inspiration. His achievements were recognized early on by election to the national academy of sciences at the age of 42, and by numerous awards and other honors.

The full memoir is available on the National Academy of Sciences website.

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