Keck Foundation awards $1 million grant to Paul Weiss and co-workers

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Professor Paul Weiss and co-workers were awarded a $1 million W.M. Keck Foundation grant to fund research in uses of “compressive sensing.”

Professor Paul Weiss, Andrea Bertozzi, director of computational and applied mathematics at UCLA and a professor of mathematics, Mark Cohen, director of the National Institutes of Health–funded UCLA Semel NeuroImaging Training Program and a professor of psychiatry, and Stanley Osher, a professor of mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering, were awarded a two-year, $1 million W.M. Keck Foundation grant to fund their research in practical uses of “compressive sensing,” a process in which mathematical algorithms are used to increase the accuracy of health and science related pictures and data sets.

“Our goal is to leverage mathematical advances to transform the way imaging and related data are acquired, analyzed and understood,” Weiss said. “The result will be richer, more meaningful data through significant changes in how experiments are currently conducted and analyzed. In so doing, we hope to advance the science of imaging.”

Practical uses of “compressive sensing” may include detecting epilepsy and improving brain-imaging, both of which will be further examined by the researchers. Keck Foundation grants fund innovative research in the areas of science, engineering, and medicine. The full UCLA Newsroom article can be read here.