Department and UCLA overall are ranked highly on Shanghai World Academic Ranking, QS World University Rankings, and London Times’ World University Rankings

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Recently released 2012 Academic Rankings of World Universities by Shanghai Rating Consultancy puts UCLA overall at #12 and our department at #13. We moved two steps up from #15 in 2011, and we are #8 in the USA.

We also improved according to the 2012 QS World University Rankings published earlier this year. Our Department ranked #8 in 2011, but went up to #7 this year.

In the London Times’ analysis of 2011-2012 World University Rankings, UCLA ranks 13th overall, 9th in Physical Sciences and 10th in Life Sciences.

For more information see:
1. 2012 Shanghai Jiao Tong World Rankings
2. 2012 QS World University Rankings
3. London Times Overall World University Rankings, Physical Sciences World Rankings and Life Sciences World Rankings.