19 chemistry & biochemistry graduate student researchers receive the 2020-2021 UCLA Graduate Division Dissertation Year Fellowship (DYF).
The fellowship is intended to support doctoral students who are within one year of completing and filing their dissertation. It includes a $20,000 stipend plus standard tuition and fees (excluding nonresident tuition). Each year, approximately 200 Dissertation Year Fellowships (DYF) are awarded to UCLA graduate students who are nominated for the fellowship by their department.
This year’s DYF recipients:
pictured above – top row, left to right –
David Boyer (Eisenberg group), Ruxi Dai (Diaconescu group), Arundhati Deshmukh (Caram group), Daniel Estabrook (Sletten group), Xiaoyang Fu (Duan group), 2nd row,
left to right
Sydnee Green (Nelson group), Mary Grumbles Waddington (Spokoyny group), Vincent Hipwell (Garcia-Garibay group), Cooper Jamieson (Houk/Tang groups), Sofia King (Tolbert group), 3rd row, left to right – Amy Lai (Diaconescu group), Scott McConnell (Clubb group), Harrison Mills (Spokoyny group), Selbi Nuryyeva (Houk/Yang groups), Lisa Pangilinan (Kaner group), bottom row, left to right –
Roselyn Rodrigues
(Liu group),
Borna Zandkarimi
(Alexandrova group),
Chih-Te “Ted” Zee
(Rodriguez group),
Chuanzhen Zhao
(P. Weiss/Andrews groups).
Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, penny@chem.ucla.edu.