This year, 11 chemistry and biochemistry graduate student researchers received the 2024-2025 UCLA Graduate Division Dissertation Year Fellowship (DYF). Additionally, two students from the MBIDP and MIMG programs, working in chemistry and biochemistry labs, have also been awarded the fellowship.
The fellowship is intended to support doctoral students who are within one year of completing and filing their dissertation. It includes a $20,000 stipend plus standard tuition and fees (excluding nonresident tuition). Each year, approximately 200 Dissertation Year Fellowships (DYF) are awarded to UCLA graduate students who are nominated for the fellowship by their department.

This year’s DYF recipients (beginning at top row, left to right) – Andrew Goring (Clubb/Loo groups), Kevin He (Chanfreau group), Jonathan Jih (Zhou group, MIMG), Shiyun Lin (Diaconescu group), Hootan Roshandel (Diaconescu group), Gabriela Sanchez Tam (Wollman group), Flowreen Shikwana (Backus group), Miranda Villanueva (Backus group, MBIDP), Cindy Wang (S. Clarke/C. Clarke groups), Sibo Wang (Duan group), Yiheng Wang (Doyle group), Dominick Witkowski (Garg group). Not pictured: Ash Hua (Caram group).
Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,