Academic Senate Awards were garnered by Alex Spokoyny (Senate Teaching award), PhD students Samantha Mensah (DEI award) and Cheylene Tanimoto (TA award).
Each year UCLA’s Academic Senate recognizes Senate and non-Senate faculty and graduate students for their achievements and contributions to the University. Congratulations to this year’s Chemistry & Biochemistry recipients!
Professor Alex Spokoyny is one of six campus-wide recipients chosen by the UCLA Academic Senate for the 2021 Distinquished Teaching Award for Senate Faculty, which recognizes academically and professionally accomplished individuals who bring respect and admiration to the scholarship of teaching. Recipients are selected from nominations received by colleagues and leaders across the campus and recommendations by students. Read more here.
Samantha Mensah
(Physical Chemistry graduate student, Andrews/P Weiss labs) was chosen for the UCLA Academic Senate for the 2021 Graduate Student Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Award. The prestigious award is given to just one graduate student each year in order “to honor those who have motivated other members of the University to strive for excellence. Read more here.
Cheylene Tanimoto (Physical Chemistry graduate student, Gelbart/Knobler group) is one of only five UCLA graduate students selected campus-wide by the UCLA Academic Senate for the 2021 Distinguished Teaching Award for Teaching Assistants. Read more here.
Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,