Centennial Collaboratory Update

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The construction of the 

Mani L Bhaumik Centennial Collaboratory

 has continued while campus has been closed and the results are exciting!  

Expected to be completed by the end of 2020/early 2021, the 6,500 square foot Collaboratory on the 4th floor of Young Hall will be the heart of fostering collaboration in the UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry community. It will feature a much-needed lecture hall with 142 seats (the largest in our department), a fully-equipped study lounge, as well as small group meeting and tutoring rooms (and specialized Chemistry & Biochemistry tutors who will hold office hours there) – all of which will inspire collaboration and help students thrive. Click here to see an overview of the plans for the Collaboratory. View video tour of the space below:

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In the 142 seat lecture hall –  before the seats were installed. 


The study lounge where students will be able to study or meet to collaborate.


The unique molecule shaped lights are being installed in the study lounge.


Artist rendering of the donor wall which will be in the study lounge. Naming opportunities begin at less than $6/day.

Thank you to all of our alumni and friends who are supporting this huge endeavor. If you haven’t already, please consider pledging a donor wall “molecule”, adding your name to friends and classmates in a visual display of the many supporters who come together to make this department great. Learn more here

The Mani L. Bhaumik Centennial Collaboratory is made possible by a generous gift from former UCLA postdoctoral fellow, physicist, and bestselling author Mani L. Bhaumik and well as contributions from former Jung postdoctoral fellow Dongwon Yoo, Jim (’77) and Barbara Tsay, Atsuko (Ph.D. ’63, M.D. ’69) and Akira Fujimoto (’60), Raymond (’43) and Dorothy Wilson, and Karen (M.S. ’65) and William Timberlake (M.S. ’66), among many others. 

Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, penny@chem.ucla.edu.