ACS Women Chemists Committee (WCC) 2023 Rising Star Award

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Prof.. Ellen Sletten

Professor Ellen Sletten has been selected for a 2023 Rising Star Award by the American Chemical Society (ACS) Women Chemists Committee (WCC) for her work on new approaches to imaging and drug delivery.

Sletten will receive the award at a reception following the WCC Rising Star Symposium at American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring 2023 national conference where she will present her research at the WCC symposium.

The Sletten group takes a multidisciplinary approach towards the creation of enhanced nanotherapeutics, shortwave infrared diagnostics, and new chemical tools to study living systems. Research within the group involves a mix of organic synthesis, fluorous chemistry, chemical biology, self-assembly, polymer synthesis, photophysics, nanomedicine, and pharmacology.

The Women Chemists Committee (WCC) serves the membership of the American Chemical Society. Their mission is to be leaders in attracting, developing, promoting, and advocating for women in the chemical sciences in order to positively impact society and the profession.

Established in 2011 to help promote the retention of women in science, the award recognizes exceptional early-career to midcareer women chemists across all areas of chemistry.

According to the announcement, the other 2023 recipients of the award are Louise Charkoudian, Haverford College; Shelley Claridge, Purdue University; Sahika Inal, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Jamie McCabe Dunn, Merck & Co.; Giulia Palermo, University of California, Riverside; Emily Peterson, Biogen; Danica Rankic, Pfizer; and Sara Thoi, Johns Hopkins University.

UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry faculty member Professor Anastassia Alexandrova received the award in 2016.

Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,