ACS Doctoral New Investigator Award

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Professor Alexander Spokoyny has been awarded an American Chemistry Society (ACS) Petroleum Research Fund (PRF) Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) grant.

Spokoyny, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, has been chosen to receive the highly prestigious ACS PRF Doctoral New Investigator award for his proposed research focused on the development of new metal-free borylation strategies for organic molecules.

Each year the American Chemical Society’s Petroleum Research Fund holds a highly selective competition to award seed funding to top researchers with a track-record of producing innovative fundamental research. Established in 1954, its goal has been to support “advanced scientific education, and the careers of scientists, to aid in significantly increasing the world’s energy options.”

This award provides funding of $110,000 over two years and will support Spokoyny’s research for developing a new class of shelf-stable boron-based reagents capable of upgrading a wide range of substrates relevant to the petroleum-based research. 

To learn more about Spokoyny’s research visit his group’s website.