4th Annual Warner Science Slam

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UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry organic chemists engaged future scientists at the 4th annual Warner Science Slam on May 20, 2018.

Several hundred children and their families attended the outreach event at the Warner Avenue public elementary school in West Los Angeles.

Performing demonstrations at the outreach event were several UCLA organic chemists – Professor Neil Garg and his young daughters Kaylie and Elaina, postdoc Dr. Evan Darzi (Garg group), graduate students Rachel Knapp, Francesca Ippoliti, Jason Chari, Joyann Barber, Bryan Simmons (All from the Garg group), Eun Bin Go (Tang group), Annabelle Cantu (Garcia-Garibay group), Jessica Burch (Nelson group), and Lee Joon Kim (Nelson group).  

The group gave a presentation that included discussions and demonstrations on the phases of matter, with a special emphasis on liquid nitrogen. They also helped the children make their own silly putty using borax, glue, water, and food coloring.


Eun Bin Go asks children what will happen before she places UCLA-colored air-filled balloons in liquid nitrogen (with Francesca Ippoliti and Rachel Knapp)


Rachel Knapp displays an air-filled balloon that has been ‘shrunk’ by liquid nitrogen (with Francesca Ippoliti, Professor Neil Garg, and Eun Bin Go). 

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Jason Chari and Annabelle Cantu help children make silly putty using borax, glue, water, and food coloring.


With the help of Jessica Burch, children add colored dyes to their own silly putty.


Professor Neil Garg with his daughters, Kaylie and Elaina, who helped him write a children’s coloring book about organic chemistry.

Photos courtesy of Professor Neil Garg.