Congratulations to our current and former students who have received prestigious 2021 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Awards and Honorable Mentions.
2021 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships (GRFP) were awarded to graduate students Nadine Bradbury (Neuhauser group), Ana Bulger (Garg group), Claire Dickerson (Alexandrova group), David Pe (Tolbert group), Kelly Wong (Sletten group), and Laura Wonilowicz (Garg group), and undergraduate student Jonathan Wong (Houk group).
2021 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship recipients – Nadine Bradbury, Ana Bulger, Claire Dickerson, David Pe, Kelly Wong, Laura Wonilowicz, and Jonathan Wong.
2021 Honorable Mentions by NSF, also a significant national academic achievement, were accorded to graduate students Lisa Boatner (Backus group), Joseph Garcia (Sletten group), Ashley Julio (Backus group), and Lily Sloan (Nelson group), and undergraduate students Luke Elissiry (Liu group) and Azmain Hossain (Physics major, Caram group).
2021 NSF Honorable Mention recipients – Lisa Boatner, Joseph Garcia, Ashley Julio, Lily Sloan, Luke Elissiry, and Azmain Hossain.
Our alumni also received recognition! GRFP’s were awarded to undergraduate alums Danielle Cadena ‘19 (Caram group) now a graduate student at University of Texas at Austin, Omar Ebrahim ‘19 (Maynard & Spokoyny groups) now a graduate student at Northwestern University, and Alexander Yeh ‘17 (Houk group) now a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University.
Alumni 2021 NSF GRFP and honorable mention recipients – Danielle Cadena, Omar Ebrahim, Stella Fors, Kevin Qian, and Vivian Wall. Not pictured is Alexander Yeh.
Honorable mentions were accorded to alumnus Stella Fors ’20 (Nelson group) who is currently a Chemist at HRL Laboratories and will be starting the chemistry graduate program at Northwestern University in the Fall, Kevin Qian (visiting Amgen Scholar in Spokoyny group) now a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Vivian Wall ’20 (Tolbert group) now a Post-Undergraduate Intern at National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,