2019 ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry (DIC) Young Investigator

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Alumnus Georgiy Akopov (PhD ’18 Kaner group) has been named as a recipient of the 2019 ACS-DIC Young Investigator Award.

Georgiy was recognized by the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Inorganic Chemistry (DIC) for his work on the synthesis and characterization of ultra-incompressible, superhard metals which he conducted with Professor Richard Kaner during his Ph.D. studies at UCLA. He will participate in the DIC Young Investigator Symposium on August 25, 2019, at the Fall ACS National Meeting in San Diego where he will present the research he carried out during his Ph.D. studies and his current work conducted at the Ames Laboratory (U.S. Department of Energy) located on the Iowa State University campus, where he is a postdoctoral researcher working with Professor Kirill Kovnir in the Department of Chemistry. Georgiy will receive a $1,000 honorarium and a plaque to commemorate his participation in the event.

Georgiy received his B.A. in chemistry from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, in 2014 and his Ph.D. in chemistry from UCLA in 2018.  While at UCLA, he received a 2018-2019 UCLA Graduate Division Dissertation Year Fellowship and the department’s 2018 Faculty Award for Innovation in Inorganic Chemistry.

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At the UCLA commencement events in June 2018, Dr. Georgiy Akopov (center) with his father Petr Akopov (left) and his Ph.D. advisor Professor Richard Kaner (right).  (GradImages)

Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, penny@chem.ucla.edu.