Graduate student Guillaume Urtecho (Kosuri group) is one of three UCLA graduate students to receive a prestigious 2018 MBI Teaching Excellence Award.
The inaugural MBI Roy & Dorothy John/Fred Eiserling & Judith Lengyel Teaching Excellence Awards, given to graduate students in their 4th or 5th year of the Molecular Biology Interdepartmental Doctoral Program (MBIDP), were presented at the at the Molecular Biology Institute student awards ceremony on December 18, 2018. The award includes a $12,500 prize.
About Guillaume Urtecho
Guillaume is a Ph.D. student in the Molecular Biology Interdepartmental Doctoral Program at UCLA working in the laboratory of Professor Sri Kosuri. He received his B.S. in Genetics at UC Davis, where he worked in the laboratory of Professor Simon Chan. In this position, he developed novel biotechnologies for plant breeding by manipulating chromosomes. In addition, he worked with Professor Stanley Fields of the University of Washington where he used a directed evolution approach to enhance alcohol tolerance in yeast. His current research interests are in creating platforms for studying genetic architecture and applying high-throughput gene synthesis techniques.
“I am thrilled that Guillaume has received a Teaching Excellence Award,” said his Ph.D. advisor Professor Sri Kosuri. “He is an outstanding student, an independent researcher, a dedicated teacher, and a mentor that cares deeply about student welfare and education.”
Guillaume is pictured at right holding his award and certificate at the awards ceremony reception.
Article by Penny Jennings, Photo by Helen Houldsworth/MBI.