Professor Paul Weiss has been awarded the 2017 Jacques Beaulieu Excellence Research Chair by the National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS), Canada.
According to the INRS announcement, the award is named in honor of physician Jacques Beaulieu, a researcher and pioneer of the carbon dioxide (CO2-TEA) laser who indelibly shaped the landscape of Quebec research, the Jacques-Beaulieu Excellence Research Chair seeks to recognize the cutting-edge work of INRS’s Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre in photonics, optics, telecommunications, advanced materials, energy, and other sectors.
From the INRS announcement:
Paul S. Weiss, fifth holder of the Jacques-Beaulieu Excellence Research Chair
Considered a giant in the world of nanoscience, Paul S. Weiss is a distinguished professor and holder of the UC Presidential Chair at UCLA. He was previously director of the California NanoSystems Institute and a professor at the Pennsylvania State University. A world-renowned scientist, Weiss explores the atomic-scale chemical, physical, optical, mechanical, and electronic properties of supramolecular surfaces and assemblies. He has produced pioneering work on molecular assemblies on surfaces characterized by scanning tunnelling microscopy. His impressive scientific output includes more than 300 publications and over 20 patents. His achievements in nanoscience cover a broad range of fields and have earned him extensive recognition and distinguished awards, as well as invitations to sit on many national and international committees. Professor Weiss is a great scientific communicator with a gift for explaining highly complex research in terms the general public can understand. He is the founding and current editor-in-chief of ACS Nano, one of the most widely acclaimed nanoscience journals, which is published by the American Chemical Society.
To learn more about Weiss’ research, visit his website.