Scientific Reports’ Top 100 in Physics
5 years ago
Jim Gimzewski and alum Adam Stieg are part of team whose paper is #3 on Nature’s Scientific Reports top 100 downloaded physics papers published in 2019. In the paper “Emergent […]
May 5
Researchers observe brain-like behavior in nanoscale device
5 years ago
Professor James Gimzewski & alum Adam Stieg (PhD ’07) are part of team that has taken a significant stride toward goal of creating thinking machines. A distinguished professor of chemistry […]
January 7
Research on artificial synapses featured in Wired magazine
7 years ago
An extensive article about the research project led by Professor Jim Gimzewski and alum Adam Steig (PhD ’07) was featured in the October 4, 2017 issue. Stieg, (pictured right) a […]
October 10