UCLA Research Science Poster Day

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Several chemistry and biochemistry undergraduate researchers presented posters at the event – three were awarded the prestigious Science Dean’s Prize.

As part of the UCLA Research Poster Day, faculty judges award the Science Dean’s Prize to senior poster presenters for “excellence in presentation of their faculty-mentored research”. This year our undergraduate researchers Mai Abdusamad (Torres group), Luke Batty (Koehler group) and Saebi Azin (Spokoyny group) received the award. 

Conducting research in faculty labs is a great experience for the undergraduate students and their contributions are vital to the success of our department. “When I ask the grad students, postdocs, and my colleagues, what led to their interest in science, they almost always say, ‘Working in a research lab as an undergraduate!’. This provides a truly transformative experience for our students, and is also a great opportunity for our graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to serve as mentors,” said Department Chair Professor Catherine Clarke.

Over 700 UCLA undergraduates from throughout campus participated in the event on May 23rd at the UCLA Pauley Pavilion stadium. Photos from the event can be viewed below.


2017 Science Dean’s Prize winners: Mai Abdusamad (Torres Group),  Luke Batty (Koehler group), and Azin Saebi (Spokoyny group). 

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(Left) Biochemistry graduate student volunteers John Muroski (Loo group), Andrea Hadjikyriacou & Jonelle White (S. Clarke group).  (Right)  Over 700 students presented posters at the event held at UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion stadium.

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Selena Hernandez (Jung/Radu Groups) and Jesus Inquez (Duan group).
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(Left) Graduate student mentor Morgan Howe with mentee poster presenter Ronnie Garcia (Garcia-Garibay group). (Right) Evelyn Hernandez (Rodriguez group).  

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Bonnie Brown(Merchant group) and Emma Carley (Quinlan group) explains her research.

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(Left) poster presenter Paige Curson with her faculty mentor, Prof. Richard Kaner.  (Right) Ann Diep and James Ziegenbein (Rodriguez group) with their poster.

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(Left) Faculty mentor Prof. Steven Clarke with mentee poster presenter Cyrus Lin. (Right) Faculty mentor Prof. Ken Houk with mentee poster presenter Wei Li.

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Joshua Martin (Spokoyny group) and Abril Morales (Torres group).

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(Left) Faculty mentor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Prof. Catherine Clarke with mentee poster presenter Nguyen Pham. (Right) Paul Robinson (Alexandrova group) explains his research.

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(Left) Marcia Brinck (Kosuri group). (Right) Harrison Shawa (S. Clarke group) explains his research.

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(Left) Luke Verlinsky (Bouchard group). (Right) Prof. Steven Clarke with mentee Cyrus Lin and friends.

Photos provided by Penny Jennings, Steven Clarke and Ken Houk.