Congratulations to this year’s Dissertation Year Fellowship recipients

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Thirteen chemistry & biochemistry graduate students receive the 2017-2018 UCLA Graduate Division Dissertation Year Fellowship.

The fellowship is intended to support doctoral students who are within one year of completing and filing their dissertation. It includes a $20,000 stipend plus standard tuition and fees (excluding nonresident tuition). Each year, approximately 200 Disseration Year Fellowships (DYF) are awarded to UCLA graduate students who are nominated for the fellowship by their department.

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This year’s DYF recipients: pictured above – top row – John Abendroth (P. Weiss group), Emma Baker (Garg group), Erik Farr (Schwartz group), Jun Yong Kim (Garg group), Jeong Hoon Ko (Maynard group), Michael Lake (Bouchard group), bottom row – Mengping Li (Kaner group), Mufan Li (Duan group), Yuxi Liu (Yeates group), Nako Nakatsuka (P. Weiss/Andrews groups), Emma Pelegri-O’Day (Maynard group), Alex Wixtrom (Spokoyny group). Matthew Fontana (Schwartz group) (pictured left) received a Disseration Year Fellowship as part of his 2017 Distinguished Teaching Award for Teaching Assistants.