Professor Ken Houk’s group collaboration featured in Science
6 years ago
The Houk group with Bin Tan’s group at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) discover first asymmetric four-component Ugi Reaction. The team reports a major breakthrough in the […]

Nelson and Houk group collaboration featured in Science
7 years ago
The team has discovered a chemical reaction that might someday be used to process petroleum waste into useful compounds. Their paper titled “Teaching an old carbocation new tricks: Intermolecular C–H […]

CCHF C-H Functionalization Virtual Symposium 10
7 years ago
The Houk group hosted the CCHF Virtual Symposium 10 sponsored by the Center for Selective C-H Functionalization (CHF) on July 10, 2018. The CCHF is an NSF-funded Centers for Chemical […]

Research collaboration by Houk and Arnold (Caltech) groups featured in PNAS
7 years ago
With the Arnold group at Caltech, Houk’s group characterizes an unusual reactive carbene intermediate in an artificial metalloenzyme that functionalizes Si-H bonds. The team’s findings were reported in a paper […]

Professor Ken Houk and alum Zhongyue Yang research featured in C&EN
7 years ago
Collaboration with researchers from China has led to development of device which could illuminate the mechanism of important chemical and biological processes. The results of the collaboration with scientists from […]

ACS/Dreyfus Symposium on Theoretical & Computational Chemistry
7 years ago
Professor Ken Houk is one of the featured speakers at a special symposium at the ACS National Meeting in New Orleans, LA on Tuesday, March 20, 2018. Theoretical & Computational […]

Research collaboration by García-Garibay and Houk groups featured in PNAS
7 years ago
Professors Miguel Garcia-Garibay and Ken Houk are part of a team to form a crystal out of molecules that each has a solid exterior but contains moving parts. Their findings […]

Rubin, Kaner, and Houk graphene nanoribbons research
7 years ago
UCLA researchers have developed a novel method for creating graphene nanoribbons which can be used to make better electronics. In a study published in October, researchers led by chemistry professors […]