Antibody-based inhibition of pathogenic New World Hemorrhagic Fever mammarenaviruses by steric occlusion of the human transferrin receptor 1 apical domain

2020-06-16 | Antibody-based inhibition of pathogenic New World Hemorrhagic Fever mammarenaviruses by steric occlusion of the human transferrin receptor 1 apical domainJ. Virol. Sol Ferrero, Maria D. Flores, Connor Short, Cecilia A. Vazquez, Lars E. Clark, James Ziegenbein,Samantha Zink, Daniel Fuentes, Cristian Payes, María V. Batto, Michael Collazo, Cybele C. García, Jonathan Abraham, Sandra M. Cordo, Jose A. Rodriguez*, and Gustavo Helguera. This is the work of BMSB graduate student Maria D. Flores.