Professor Anastassia Alexandrova wins the 2020 Early-Career Award in Theoretical Chemistry by the Physical Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society.
A professor of chemistry and biochemistry and Vice Chair for Undergraduate Education, Alexandrova received the prestigious award for her “development of theory of catalysis on dynamic heterogeneous interfaces based on statistical ensembles of metastable states, and applications to surface-supported catalytic clusters.”
Alexandrova’s laboratory focuses on computational and theoretical design and multi-scale description of new materials. Her recent awards and honors include the 2019 UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award and the 2018 UCLA Undergraduate Research Faculty Mentor Award. To learn more about Alexandrova’s research, visit her group’s website.
The ACS Physical Chemistry Division annually sponsors senior and early-career awards in theoretical and experimental physical chemistry that are intended to recognize the most outstanding scientific achievements of members of the Division. The 2020 recipients will be honored at the Fall ACS National Meeting in San Francisco.
Penny Jennings, UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,