Yi Tang receives prestigious international award

8 years ago

Professor Yi Tang has been selected as the recipient of the Mr and Mrs Sun Chan Memorial Award in Organic Chemistry.  Established in 1998 by Sunney Chan, then director of […]

Yi Tang receives prestigious international award
August 8

Craig Merlic leads UCCLS safety investigation at University of Hawai’i (UH)

9 years ago

Craig Merlic, head of the University of California Center for Laboratory Safety (UCCLS), led the investigation of a lab explosion at the University of Hawai’i.  The March 16, 2016 blast […]

Craig Merlic leads UCCLS safety investigation at University of Hawai’i (UH)
July 25

Prostate drug research leads to $1.14 billion royalty payment to UCLA

9 years ago

Michael Jung led the UCLA research team whose discoveries resulted in the development of a leading prostate cancer drug. Prof. Jung worked with Drs. Charles Sawyers and Howard Scher of […]

Prostate drug research leads to $1.14 billion royalty payment to UCLA
March 4