What’s happening in breakout rooms during remote learning?

4 years ago

Graduate student and LS 192 Teaching Assistant Dayanni Bhagwandin analyses the correlation between student engagement and camera usage in breakout rooms.  In the Fall quarter 2020, Bhagwandin served as the […]

What’s happening in breakout rooms during remote learning?
December 17

California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) Science Translator

5 years ago

PhD student Dayanni Bhagwandin (Rubin group) was chosen as one of 16 CCST Science Translators at the California State Capitol in Sacramento on February 5, 2020. A third-year chemistry Ph.D. […]

California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) Science Translator
February 25

Graduate student Dayanni Bhagwandin featured in CDLS video

5 years ago

PhD student Dayanni Bhagwandin (Rubin Group) is featured in UCLA’s Center for Diverse Leadership in Science (CDLS) video series highlighting diverse scientists.   The video, which can be viewed here, highlights the […]

Graduate student Dayanni Bhagwandin featured in CDLS video
October 22