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Staff Meeting

September 9, 2022 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Greetings Staff!

Join the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry on September 9th from 12-1pm for an All Staff Meeting. The meeting will include a lecture by Professor Bill Gelbart “Viruses, Vaccines, and Your Immune System” followed by staffing updates, major departmental initiatives, and training opportunities presented by Amy Ragsdale. The meeting will also include break out sessions with fellow staff members to team team build and get to know one another.

The meeting will be hybrid format with an in-person viewing group in Young Hall 2050 and the rest of the meeting taking place over zoom. Boxed lunches will be provided for who RSVP’d by 8/31. Once you retrieve your meal from Young Hall 2050, it is encouraged that you attend the meeting in your office via Zoom.

Thank you and please email Isaiahgtz@chem.ucla.edu for questions.

For More Information
