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Division | Organic |
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yitang@ucla.edu | |
Office | Boelter Hall 5531H |
Office Phone | (310) 825-0375 |
Lab | Boelter Hall 5667 |
Yi Tang received his undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering and Material Science from Penn State University. He received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from California Institute of Technology under the guidance of Prof. David A. Tirrell. After NIH postdoctoral training in Chemical Biology from Prof. Chaitan Khosla at Stanford University, he started his independent career at the University of California Los Angeles in 2004. He is currently the Chancellor Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at UCLA, and holds joint appointments in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; and Department of Bioengineering. His recent awards include the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Allan P. Colburn Award (2009), the American Chemical Society (ACS) Biochemical Technology Division (BIOT) Young Investigator Award (2011), the ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award (2012), the EPA Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award (2012), NIH DP1 Director Pioneer Award (2012), the ACS Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry (2014) and the Society of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Charles Thom Award (2019).
Research Interests
My research lab is interested in natural product biosynthesis and biocatalysis. In the natural product area, we are interested in elucidating biosynthetic pathways of polyketides, nonribosomal peptides and related compounds. Our goal is to understand the biochemical and structural basis of different enzymes encoded in these pathways. In particular, we are studying the biosynthesis of aromatic polyketides from Streptomyces and iteratively biosynthesized compounds from filamentous fungi. By accumulating biosynthetic knowledge and enzymatic tools, we aim towards the engineered biosynthesis of unnatural natural products through combinatorial biosynthesis. In the biocatalysis area, we build upon our knowledge from the fundamental studies and aim to discover and engineer enzymes that can be used in the synthesis and semisynthesis of pharmaceutical compounds. We have demonstrated the potential of this approach in establishing a biocatalytic approach for making the blockbuster drug simvastatin. My lab has also recently become interested in research at the interface of nanotechnology, biomaterials and drug delivery. In particular, we are conducting research towards the efficient delivery of various biological molecules to cells and model animals for applications in cancer therapy, imaging, vaccination and reprogramming. These nascent efforts are performed in collaboration with various labs.
Honors & Awards
- American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow (2022)
- Royal Society of Chemistry Horizon Prize: Bioorganic Chemistry Award (2021)
- Mr. & Mrs. Sun Chan Memorial Award in Organic Chemistry, the 14th International Symposium for Chinese
- Organic Chemists (ISCOC) (2016)
- High‐end Foreign Experts supported by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs P. R. China (2016)
- California Institute of Technology Chemical Engineering Robert W. Vaughan Lectureship (2015)
- American Chemical Society Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry (2014)
- National Institute of Health Director’s Office Pioneer Award (DP1) (2012)
- Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (2012)
- American Chemical Society (ACS) Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award (2012)
- The Saville Lecturer at Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University (2011)
- American Chemical Society Division of Biochemical Technology (BIOT) Young Investigator Award (2011)
- National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Frontiers in Engineering Invitee (2010)
- Society for Industrial Microbiology (SIM) Young Investigator Award (2010)
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Allan P. Colburn Award (2009)
- Sloan Research Fellowship (2009)
- Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Concept Award (2008)
- The Camille Dreyfus Teacher Scholar Award (2008)
- The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowship (2007)
- UCLA Faculty Career Development Award (2007)
- Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE) (2006)
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2006)
- UCLA AIChE Student Chapter Professor of the Year Award (2005, 2006)
- American Heart Association National Scientist Development Grant Award (2005‐2009)
- National Research Service Award, National Institute of Health (2002‐2004)
- Whitaker Graduate Research Fellowship in Biomedical Engineering (1997‐2002)
- Constantin Economou Award for Excellency in Graduate Research (1999)
- Elizabeth and Holmes Memorial Scholarship (1993‐1997)
- Dow Chemical Co. Outstanding Student in Material Science and Engineering (1995)
- The 1934 Penn State Alumni Scholarship Award (1995)
Representative Publications
(*: corresponding authors; bold: undergraduate authors)
- Zhang, Y., Lin, W., Kerr, T., Garg, N. K., Tang, Y.* “Fragment-Guided Genome Mining of Octacyclic Cyclophane Alkaloids from Fungi.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146, 23933–23942. Link
- Song, Y., Wang, W., Yang, J., Gao, D., Billingsley, J. M., Wang, S., Zhu, Y., Wang, J., Ju, J., Yan, Y.*, Tang, Y. “β-Terrecyclene synthase constructs the quadrane backbone in terrecyclic acid biosynthesis.” 2024, Chem. Sci. 15, 8750-8755. Link
- Abad, A. Seshadri, K., Ohashi, M.*, Delgadillo, D., de Moraes, L., Nagasawa, K., Liu, M., Johnson, S., Nelson, H., Tang, Y.* “Discovery and Characterization of Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate-Dependent Cycloleucine Synthases.” 2024, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 14672–14684. Link Preprint
- Johnson, C., Ohashi, M.*, Tang, Y.* “How Fungi Biosynthesize 3-Nitropropanoic Acid: the Simplest yet Lethal Mycotoxin.” 2024, Org. Lett.26, 3158-3163. Link
- Dror, M., Misa, J., Yee, D. A., Chu, A. M., Yu, R. K., Chan, B. B., Aoyama, L. S., Chaparala, A. P., O’Connor, S. E., Tang, Y.* “Engineered Biosynthesis of Plant Heteroyohimbine and Corynantheine Alkaloids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” 2024, J. Ind. Microb. Biotechnol. vol 51, kuad047. Link
- Delgadilo, D. A., Burch, J. E., Kim, L. J., de Moraes, L. S., Niwa, K., Williams, J., Tang, M. J., Lavallo, V. G., Chhetri, B. K., Jones, C. G., Rodriguez, I. H., Signore, J. A., Marquez, L., Bhanushali, R., Woo, S., Kubanek, J.*, Quave, C.*, Tang, Y.*, Nelson, H. M.* “High-Throughput Identification of Crystalline Natural Products from Crude Extracts Enabled by Microarray Technology and MicroED.” 2024, ACS Cent. Sci. 10, 176-183. Link
- Sato, M; Sakano, S; Nakahara, M; Tamura, Y; Hara, K; Hashimoto, H; Tang, Y.*; Watanabe, K.* “Uncommon Arrangement of Self-resistance Allows Biosynthesis of de novo Purine Biosynthesis Inhibitor that Acts as an Immunosuppressor.” 2023, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 26883–26889. Link
- Yan, C. Han, W., Zhou, Q., Niwa, K. Tang, M. J., Burch, J. E., Zhang, Y., Delgadillo, D. A., Sun, Z., Wu, Z., Jacobsen, S. E., Nelson, H. M., Houk, K. N., Tang, Y.* “Genome Mining from Agriculturally Relevant Fungi Led to a d-Glucose Esterified Polyketide with a Terpene-like Core Structure.” 2023, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 25080–25085. Link
- Liu, M., Ohashi, M.*, Zhou, Q., Sander, J. N., McCauley, E. P., Crews, P., Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.*, “Enzymatic Benzofuranoindoline Formation in the Biosynthesis of the Strained Bridgehead Bicyclic Dipeptide (+)-Azonazine A.” 2023, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. accepted. Link
- Sun, Z., Tang, Y.*, “No Job too Small for a Giant Enzyme” 2023, Nat. Chem. Biol. 19, 934-946. Link
- Han, W., Wu, Z., Zhong, Z., Williams, J., Jacobsen, S. E., Sun, Z.* Tang, Y.*, “Assessing the Biosynthetic Inventory of the Biocontrol Fungus Trichoderma afroharzianum T22.” 2023, J. Agric. Food Chem. 71, 11502–11519. Link
- Niwa, K., Ohashi, M.*, Xie, K., Chiang, C. Y., Jamieson, C. S., Sato, M., Watanabe, K., Liu, F., Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.* “Biosynthesis of Polycyclic Natural Products from Conjugated Polyenes via Tandem Isomerization and Pericyclic Reactions.” 2023, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 13520–13525. Link
- Jenner, M.,*#,, Hai, Y.,*# Nguyen, H. H., Passmore, M., Skyrud, W., Kim, J., Garg, N. K., Zhang, W., Loo, R. R., Tang, Y. “Elucidating the molecular programming of a nonlinear nonribosomal peptide synthetase responsible for fungal siderophore biosynthesis.” 2023. Nature Communications Link.
- Zhang, Y-L., Go, E. B., Perlatti, B., Wu, L., Bills, G. F., Ohashi, M.*, Tang, Y.*, “Biosynthesis of AS2077715 and Funiculosin: Pathway Reconstitution and Identification of Enzymes that Form the All-cis Cyclopentanetetraol Moiety.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 6643-6647. Link
- Ohashi, M., Tan, D., Lu, J., Jamieson, C. S., Kanayama, D., Zhou, J.*, Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.*, “Enzymatic cis-Decalin Formation in Natural Product Biosynthesis.” J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 2023, 145, 3301–3305. Link
- Yee, D. A. Niwa, K., Perlatti, B., Chen, M., Li, Y., Tang, Y.* “Genome Mining of Unknown Unknown Natural Products.” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2023, 19, 633-640. Link
- Chiang, C. Y., Ohashi, M.*, Tang, Y.*, “Deciphering chemical logic of fungal natural product biosynthesis through heterologous expression and genome mining.” Nat. Prod. Rep. 2023, 40, 89-127. Link
- Tararina, M. A., Yee, D. A., Tang, Y., Christianson, D. W.* “Structure of the Repurposed Fungal Terpene Cyclase FlvF Implicated in the C–N Bond-Forming Reaction of Flavunoidine Biosynthesis.” Biochemistry, 2022, Link
- Tang, M-C., Shen, C., Deng, Z., Ohashi, M., Tang, Y.*, “Combinatorial Biosynthesis of Terpenoids through Mixing-and-Matching Sesquiterpene Cyclase and Cytochrome P450 Pairs.” Org. Lett. 2022, 24, 4783-4787. Link
- Yee, D. A., Tang, Y.*,. “Investigating Fungal Biosynthetic Pathways Using Heterologous Gene Expression: Aspergillus nidulans as a Heterologous Host.” Methods in Molecular Biology, 2022, 2489, 41-52. Link
- Jamieson, C. S., Ohashi, M., Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.*,. “Computational prediction and experimental validation of a bridged cation intermediate in akanthomycin biosynthesis.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 5280–5283. Link
- Misa, J., Billingsley, J. M., Niwa, K., Yu, R., Tang, Y.*,. “Engineered Production of Strictosidine and Analogs in Yeast.” ACS Syn. Biol. 2022, 11, 1639–1649. Link
- Sun, Z., Jamieson, C. S., Ohashi, M., Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.*,. “Discovery and Characterization of a Terpene Biosynthetic Pathway featuring a Norbornene-forming Diels-Alderase.” Nat. Communications. 2022, 13, 1-12. Link Preprint here on ChemRxiv.
- Cheng, W., Chen, M., Ohashi, M.*, Tang, Y.*, “Biosynthesis of Terpenoid-Pyrrolobenzoxazine Hybrid Natural Product CJ-12662.” Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2022, Link
- Go, E.B., Kim, L-J., Nelson, H. M.*, Ohashi, M.*, Tang, Y.*, “Biosynthesis of the Fusarium Mycotoxin (−)-Sambutoxin.” Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 7819-7823. Link
- Okorafor, I.# Chen, M.# Tang, Y.* , “High-Titer Production of Olivetolic Acid and Analogs in Engineered Fungal Host Using a Nonplant Biosynthetic Pathway.” 2021, ACS Syn. Biol, 10, 2159-2166. Link
- Kim, L. J.#, Ohashi, M.#, Zhang, Z.#, Tan, D., Asay, M., Cascio, D., Rodriguez, J., Tang, Y.* , Nelson, H.* “Prospecting for natural products by genome mining and microcrystal electron diffraction.” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2021, 17, 872–877. Link UCLA Chemistry Coverage C&ENews
- Bat-Erdene, U.#, Billingsley, J. B.# Turner, W. C., Lichman, B. R., Ippoliti, F. M., Garg, N. K., O’Connor, S. E., Tang, Y.* “Cell-Free Total Biosynthesis of Plant Terpene Natural Products Using an Orthogonal Cofactor Regeneration System.” ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 9898–9903. Link
- Xie, L., Zang, X., Cheng, W., Zhang, Z., Zhou, J.*, Chen, M.*, Tang, Y.* “Harzianic Acid from Trichoderma afroharzianum Is a Natural Product Inhibitor of Acetohydroxyacid Synthase .” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 9575–9584. Link
- Liu, M., Ohashi, M.*, Sung, Y-S, Scherlach, K., Watanabe, K., Hertweck, C.* Tang, Y.* “AoiQ Catalyzes Geminal Dichlorination of 1,3-Diketone Natural Products.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 7267–7271. Link
- Jamieson, C.S.#, Misa, J.#, Tang, Y.* , Billingsley, J. M.* “Biosynthesis and synthetic biology of psychoactive natural products.” Chem. Soc. Rev. 2021, 50, 6950-7008. Link
- Anthony, S. M., Tona, V., Zou, Y., Morrill, L. A., Billingsley, J. M., Lim, M., Tang, Y.* , Houk, K. N.*, Garg, N. K.* “Total Synthesis of (−)-Strictosidine and Interception of Aryne Natural Product Derivatives “Strictosidyne” and “Strictosamidyne””, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 7471–7479. Link
- Liu, N., Abramyan, E. D., Chang, W., Perlatti, B., Harvey, C. J. B., Bills, G. F., Tang, Y.* “Targeted Genome Mining Reveals the Biosynthetic Gene Clusters of Natural Product CYP51 Inhibitors .” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 6043–6047. Link
- Ohashi, M.#, Kakule, T.#, Tang, M-C., Jamieson, C. S., Liu, M., Zhao, Y-L. Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.* , “Biosynthesis of para-Cyclophane-Containing Hirsutellone Family of Fungal Natural Products.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 5605–5609. PMCID: PMC8094548. Link
- Sato, M., Kishimoto, S., Yokoyama, M., Jamieson, C. S., Narita, K., Maeda, N., Hara, K., Hashimoto, H., Tsunemastsu, Y., Houk, K. N., Tang, Y., Wananabe, K.* “Catalytic mechanism and endo-to-exo selectivity reversion of an octalin-forming natural Diels–Alderase.” Nature Catalysis, 2021, 4, 223–232. Link
- Wang, J., Liang, J., Chen, L., Zhang, W., Kong, L., Peng, C., Su, C., Tang, Y., Deng, Z., Wang, Z.* “Structural basis for the biosynthesis of lovastatin.” Nat. Commun. 2021, Article number: 867 (2021). Link
- Zhu, Y.; Wang, J.; Mou, P.; Yan, Y.; Chen, M., Tang, Y.* “Genome mining of cryptic tetronate natural products from a PKS-NRPS encoding gene cluster in Trichoderma harzianum t-22. ” Org. Biomol. Chem. 2021, 19, 1985-1990. Link
- Zhang, Z.; Tamura, Y.; Tang, M., Qiao, T., Sato, M., Otsu, Y., Sasamura, S., Taniguchi, M., Watanabe, K.*, Tang, Y.* “Biosynthesis of the Immunosuppressant (−)-FR901483. ” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 132–136. PMCID: PMC8094545. Link
- Gao, D.#, Jamieson, C. S.#, Wang, Q.#, Yan, Y., Zhou, J.*, Houk, K. N,*, Tang, Y.* “A Polyketide Cyclase That Forms Medium-Ring Lactones. ” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 2021, 143, 80–84. PMCID: PMC8094545. Link
- Hai, Y., Chen, M., Huang, A. Tang, Y.* , “Biosynthesis of Mycotoxin Fusaric Acid and Application of a PLP-Dependent Enzyme for Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Substituted L-Pipecolic Acids.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 19668–19677. PMCID: PMC8093010. Link ChemRxiv. Link
- Hai, Y. Jenner, M.*, Tang, Y.* “Fungal siderophore biosynthesis catalysed by an iterative nonribosomal peptide synthetase .” Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 11525-11530. Link
- Yan, Y., Zang, X., Jamieson, C. S., Lin, H-C., Houk, K. N., Zhou, J.*, Tang, Y.* “Biosynthesis of the fungal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor heptelidic acid and mechanism of self-resistance.” Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 9554-9562 . Link
- Ohashi, M.#, Jamieson, C. S.#, Cai, Y.#, Tan, D., Kanayama, D., Tang, M., Anthony, S. M., Chair, J. V., Barber, J. S., Picazo, E., Kakule, T. B., Cao, S., Garg, N. K., Zhou, J.*, Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.* “An Enzymatic Alder-ene Reaction.” Nature. 2020, 586, 64-69. PMCID: PMC7534572. Link
- Zhang, Z., Qiao, T., Watanabe, K.*, Tang, Y.* “Concise biosynthesis of phenylfuropyridones from fungi.” Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2020, 59, 19889-19893. Link
- Liu, M., Ohashi, M.*, Tang, Y.* “Engineered Biosynthesis of Fungal 4-Quinolone Natural Products.” Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 6637–6641. Link
- Chen, M., Liu, C., Tang, Y.* “Discovery and Biocatalytic Application of a PLP-Dependent Amino Acid γ-Substitution Enzyme That Catalyzes C–C Bond Formation.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 10506-10515. PMCID: PMC7335459 Link
- Undramaa Bat-Erdene, Kanayama, D., Tan, D., Turner, W., Houk, K. N., Ohashi, M.*, Tang, Y.*, “Iterative Catalysis in the Biosynthesis of Mitochondrial Complex II Inhibitors Harzianopyridone and Atpenin B” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 8550-8554. PMCID: PMC7335460. Link
- Chen, K. L., Lai, C. Y., Pham, M. T. , Chein. R. J. , Tang, Y., Lin, H-C.* “Enzyme-Catalyzed Azepinoindole Formation in Clavine Alkaloid Biosynthesis.” Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 3302-3306. PMCID: PMC8092377. Link
- Hai, Y., Huang, A., Tang, Y.* “Biosynthesis of Amino Acid-Derived alpha-Pyrones by an NRPS-NRPKS Hybrid Megasynthetase in Fungi.” J. Nat. Prod. 2020, accepted. (invited article for a special issue dedicated to Prof. Jon Clardy) Link
- Yee, D. A.; Kakule, T.; Cheng, W.; Chen, M.; Chong, C.; Hai, Y.; Hang, L.; Hung, Y.; Liu, N.; Ohashi, M.; Okorafor, I.; Song, Y.; Tang, M-C.; Zhang, Z.; Tang, Y.* “Genome Mining of Alkaloidal Terpenoids from a Hybrid Terpene and Nonribosomal Peptide Biosynthetic Pathway.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 710-714. PMCID: PMC7000236 Link
- Yan, Y., Liu, N., Tang, Y.* “Recent developments in self-resistance gene directed natural product discovery.” Nat. Prod. Rep, 2020, accepted. NIHMSID:NIHMS1069080. Link
- Hung, Y-S., Zhao, Z-Y., Soohoo, A., Tang, Y.* “Genome Mining of Fungi” Comprehensive Natural Products III: Chemistry and Biology, 2020, Volume 6, accepted .
- Go, E., Tang, Y.* “Fungal Highly Reducing Polyketide Synthases and Associated Natural Products” Comprehensive Natural Products III: Chemistry and Biology, 2020, Volume 1. Link
- Liu, L., Tang, M-C., Tang, Y.* “Fungal Highly Reducing Polyketide Synthases Biosynthesize Salicylaldehydes that are Precursors to Epoxycyclohexenol Natural Products.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 19538-19541. PMCID: PMC6924165 Link
- Hai, Y., Jenner, M., Tang, Y.* “Complete Stereoinversion of L-tryptophan by a Fungal Single Module Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 8198-8206. PMCID: PMC6927398 Link
- Kishimoto, S., Tsunematsu, Y., Matsushita, T., Hara, K., Hashimoto, H., Tang, Y., Watanabe, K.* “Functional and Structural Analyses of trans C-Methyltransferase in Fungal Polyketide Biosynthesis.” Biochemistry, 2019, 58, 3933-3937. Link
- Cai, Y., Hai, Y., Ohashi, M., Jamieson, C. S., Garcia-Borras, M., Houk, K. N.*, Zhou, J.*, Tang, Y.* “Structural Basis for Stereoselective Dehydration and Hydrogen-Bonding Catalysis by the SAM-Dependent Pericyclase LepI.” Nature Chemistry, 2019, 11, 812–820. PMCID: PMC6708486 Link BioRxiv, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/491761. Link
- Yee, D. A., DeNicola, A. B., Billingsley, J. M., Creso, J. G., Subrahmanyam, V., Tang, Y.* ” Engineered Mitochondrial Production of Monoterpenes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Metab. Eng. 2019, 55, 76-84. PMCID: PMC6717016 Link
- Billingsley, J. M., Anguiano, J. L., Tang, Y.* “Production of semi-biosynthetic nepetalactone in yeast.” J. Ind. Microb. Biotechnol. 2019, 46, 1365-1370. PMCID: PMC6927397 Link
- Tang, M-C., Fischer, C. R., Chair, J. V., Tan, D., Suresh, S., Chu, A., Miranda, M., Smith, J., Zhang, Z., Garg, N. K., St. Onge, R. P.*, Tang, Y.* “Thioesterase-catalyzed aminoacylation and thiolation of polyketides in fungi.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 8198-8206. PMCID: PMC6589186 Link
- Hai, Y., Huang, A., Tang, Y.* “Structure-guided function discovery of an NRPS-like glycine betaine reductase for choline biosynthesis in fungi.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. A. 2019, 116, 10348-10353. PMCID: PMC6535007 Link BioRxiv, 2019, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/559534 . Link
- Zhang, Z., Jamieson, C. S., Zhao, Y-L., Li, D., Ohashi, M.*, Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.*, “Enzyme-catalyzed inverse-electron demand Diels-Alder reaction in the biosynthesis of antifungal ilicicolin H.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 5659–5663. PMCID: PMC6585442 Link
- strong>Zhao, Z-Y., Yin, Y., Hung, Y., Tang, Y.* “Genome Mining Reveals Neurospora crassa can Produce the Salicylaldehyde Sordarial.” J. Nat. Prod., 2019, 8, 1029-1033. PMCID: PMC6933945 Link
- Chen, M., Liu, Q., Gao, S-S., Young, A. E., Jacobsen, S. E., Tang, Y.*, “Genome mining and biosynthesis of a polyketide from a biofertilizer fungus that can facilitate reductive iron assimilation in plant.”Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2019, 116, 5499-5504 . PMCID: PMC6431147 Link
- Tan, D., Jamieson, C. S., Ohashi, M., Tang, M-C.*, Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.*, “Genome-mined Diels-Alderase catalyzes formation of the cis-octahydrodecalins of varicidin A and B.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 769-773. PMCID: PMC6475471 Link
- DeNicola, A. B., Tang, Y. “Therapeutic approaches to treat human spliceosomal diseases.” Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 2019, 60, 72-81. Link
- Bond, C. M., Tang, Y.* “Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for production of simvastatin ” Metabolic Engineering, . 2019, 51, 1-8. PMCID: PMC6348118 Link
- Jamieson, C. S., Ohashi, M., Liu, F., Tang, Y.*, Houk, K. N.* “The Expanding World of Biosynthetic Pericyclases: Cooperation of Experiment and Theory for Discovery.” Nat. Prod. Rep. 2019, 36, 698-713. PMCID: PMC6461539 Link
- Yan, Y., Liu, Q., Jacobsen, S. E.*, Tang, Y.*, ” The Impact and Prospect of Natural Product Discovery in Agriculture.” EMBO Reports, 2018, DOI 10.15252/embr.201846824. (Invited opinion on Science and Society). PMCID: PMC6216283 Link
- Kishimoto, S., Hara, K. Hashimoto, H., Hirayama, Y., Champagne, P. A., Houk, K. N., Tang, Y., Watanabe, K.* “Enzymatic one-step ring contraction for quinolone biosynthesis.” Nature Communications, 2018, Article number: 2826 . Link
- Yan, Y,# Liu, Q.#, Zang, X.#, Yuan, S., Bat-Erdene, U., Nguyen, C. Gan, J., Zhou, J.*, Jacobsen, S. E.*, Tang, Y.*, ” Resistance-Gene Directed Discovery of a Natural Product Herbicide with a New Mode of Action.” Nature, 2018, 559, 415-418. PMCID: PMC6097235 Link
- Ippoliti, F. M. Barber, J. S., Tang, Y. Garg, N. K*, “Synthesis of 8-Hydroxygeraniol.” J. Org. Chem., 2018, 83, 11323–11326. Link
- Tang, M-C.#, Zou, Y.#, Yee, D. A., Tang, Y.*, “Identification of the Pyranonigrin A Biosynthetic Gene Cluster by Genome Mining in Penicillium thymicola IBT5891.” AICHE J., 2018, 64, 4182-4186. (Invited article for special issue Honoring Jay Bailey) PMCID: PMC6777573 Link
- Gao, S-S., Zhang, T., Garcia-Borras, M., Hung, Y-S., Billingsley, J. M., Houk, K. N.*, Hu, Y.*, Tang, Y.* “Biosynthesis of Heptacyclic Duclauxins Requires Extensive Redox Modifications of the Phenalenone Aromatic Polyketide” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 6991–6997. MCID: PMC6309916 Link
- Li, L.#, Tang, M-C.#, Tang, S., Gao, S., Soliman, S., Hang, L., Xu, W., Ye, T., Watanabe, K., Tang, Y.*, “Genome Mining and Assembly-Line Biosynthesis of the UCS1025A Pyrrolizidinone Family of Fungal Alkaloids.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 2067-2071. PMCID: PMC5817883 Link
- Harvey, C.#, Tang, M-C.#, (Stanford/UCLA U01 Team), Tang, Y., Hillenmeyer, M. E.* “HEx: a heterologous expression platform for the discovery of fungal natural products.” bioRxiv, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1101/247940. Link Science Advances, 2018, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar5459. Link
- Hai, Y., Tang, Y.*, “Biosynthesis of long-chain N-acyl amide by a truncated PKS-NRPS hybrid megasynthase in fungi.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 1271–1274. PMCID: PMC5817892 Link
- Bai, J., Mu, R., Dou, M., Yan, D., Liu, B., Wei, Q., Wan, J., Tang, Y., Hu, Y.* “Epigenetic modification in histone deacetylase deletion strain of Calcarisporium arbuscula leads to diverse diterpenoids.” Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2018, 8(4):687-697 . Link
- Walsh, C. T.*, Tang, Y.* “Recent Advances in Enzymatic Complexity Generation: Cyclization Reactions.” Biochemistry 2018, 57, 3087–3104. PMCID: PMC5988943 Link
- Walsh, C. T.*, Tu, B. P.*, Tang, Y.*, “Eight Kinetically Stable but Thermodynamically Activated Molecules that Power Cell Metabolism.” Chem. Rev. 2018, 118, 1460-1494. PMCID: PMC5831524 Link
- Billingsley, J. M., DeNicola, A. B., Barber, J. S., Tang, M-C., Horecka, J., Chu, A., Garg, N. K., Tang, Y.*, “Engineering the Biocatalytic Selectivity of Iridoid Production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Metab. Eng. 2017, 44, 117-125. PMCID: PMC5705256. Link
- Tang, M-C., Cui, X., He, X., Ding, Z., Zhu, T., Tang, Y.*, Li, D.* “Late-Stage Terpene Cyclization by an Integral Membrane Cyclase in the Biosynthesis of Isoprenoid Epoxycyclohexenone Natural Products.” Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 5376–5379. PMCID: PMC5682560 Link
- Ohashi, M., Liu, F., Hai, Y., Chen, M., Tang, M-C., Yang, Z., Sato, M., Watanabe, K.*, Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.*, “SAM-Dependent Enzyme-Catalysed Pericyclic Reactions in Natural Product Biosynthesis.” Nature. 2017, 549, 502–506. PMCID: PMC5679075 Link.
- Zhang, Y., Zou, Y., Brock, N. L., Huang, T., Lan, Y., Wang, X., Deng, Z., Tang, Y., Lin, S.* “Characterization of 2-Oxindole Forming Heme Enzyme MarE, Expanding the Functional Diversity of the Tryptophan Dioxygenase Superfamily.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017,139, 11887–11894 Link
- Hang, L., Tang, M-C., Harvey, C. J. B., Page, C. G., Li, J., Hung, Y., Liu, N., Hillenmeyer, M. E., Tang, Y.*, “Reversible Product Release and Recapture by a Fungal Polyketide Synthase Using a Carnitine Acyltransferase Domain.” Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2017, 56, 9556-9560. PMCID: PMC5580239 Link
- Liu, N., Hung, Y., Gao, S-S., Hang, L., Zou, Y., Chooi, Y-H.*, Tang, Y.*, “Identification and Heterologous Production of a Benzoyl-Primed Tricarboxylic Acid Polyketide Intermediate from the Zaragozic Acid A Biosynthetic Pathway.” Org. Lett. 2017, 19, 3560–3563. PMCID: PMC5673471 Link
- Sato, M., Dander, J. E., Sato, C., Hung, Y., Gao, S-S, Tang, M-C, Hang, L., Winter, J. M., Garg, N. K.*, Watanabe, K.*, Tang, Y.*, “Collaborative Biosynthesis of Maleimide- and Succinimide-Containing Natural Products by Fungal Polyketide Megasynthases.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 5317–5320. PMCID: PMC5673468 Link
- Bai, J., Yan, D., Zhang, T., Guo, Y,, Liu, Y., Zou, Y., Tang, M-C., Liu, B., Wu, Q., Yu, S.* Tang, Y.*, Hu, Y.* “A Cascade of Redox Reactions Generates Complexity in the Biosynthesis of the Protein Phosphatase-2 Inhibitor Rubratoxin A”, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2017, 56, 4782–4786. Link
- Gao, S-S., Garcia-Borras,M., Barber, J. S., Hai, Y., Duan, A., Garg, N. K.*, Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.*, “Enzyme-Catalyzed Intramolecular Enantioselective Hydroalkoxylation.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 3639-3642. PMCID: PMC5474393 Link
- Zou, Y., Garcia-Borras, M., Tang, M-C., Hirayama, Y., Li, D., Li, L., Watanabe, K., Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.*, “Enzyme-Catalyzed Cationic Epoxide Rearrangements in Quinolone Alkaloid Biosynthesis.” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2017, 13, 325-332. PMCID: PMC5310975 Link
- Tang, M-C.,# Zou, Y.,# Watanabe, K., Walsh, C. T.*, Tang, Y.* “Oxidative Cyclization in Natural Product Biosynthesis.” 2017, Chem. Rev. 117, 5226–5333. PMCID: PMC5406274 Link
- Li, L. Yu, P., Tang, M-C., Zou, Y., Gao, S-S., Hung, Y-S., Zhao, M., Watanabe, K.*, Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.* “Biochemical Characterization of a Eukaryotic Decalin-Forming Diels-Alderase.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 15837–15840 . PMCID: PMC5323083 Link
- Zhang, J., Liu, N.#, Cacho, R. A.#, Gong, Z., Liu, Z., Qin, W., Tang, C., Tang, Y.*, Zhou, J.*, “Structural Basis of Nonribosomal Peptide Macrocyclization in Fungi .” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2016, 12, 1001-1003. PMCID: PMC5110376 Link
- Yu, X., Liu, F., Zou, Y., Tang, M-C. Hang, L., Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.* “Biosynthesis of Strained Piperazine Alkaloids – Uncovering the Concise Pathway of Herquline A.”J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 13529–13532. PMCID: PMC5378693 Link
- Hang, L.#, and Liu, N.#, Tang, Y.* “Coordinated and Iterative Enzyme Catalysis in Fungal Polyketide Biosynthesis.” ACS Catalysis 2016, 6, 5935–5945 (invited perspective). PMCID: PMC5436725 Link
- Grandner, J. M., Cacho, C. A., ., Tang, Y. * Houk, K. N.* “Mechanism of the P450-Catalyzed Oxidative Cyclization in the Biosynthesis of Griseofulvin.” ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 4506–4511. Link
- Yamamoto, T., Tsunematsu, Y., Hara, K., Suzuki, T., Kishimoto, S., Kawagishi, H., Noguchi, H., Hashimoto, H., Tang, Y., Hotta, K., Watanabe, K.* “Oxidative trans to cis Isomerization of Olefins in Polyketide Biosynthesis.” Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2016, 55, 6207-6210. PMCID: PMC5089960 Link
- Gao, S-S., Duan, A., Xu, W., Yu, P., Hang, L., Houk, K. N.*, Tang, Y.* “Phenalenone Polyketide Cyclization Catalyzed by Fungal Polyketide Synthase and Flavin-Dependent Monooxygenase.”J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 4249–4259. Link
- Lin, H-C., McMahon, T., Patel, A., Corsello, M., Simon, A., Xu, W., Zhao, M., Houk, K. N.*, Garg, N. K.*, Tang, Y.*. “P450-Mediated Coupling of Indole Fragments to Forge Communesin and Unnatural Isomers.”J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 4002–4005. Link
- Sato, M., Winter, J. M., Kishimoto, S., Noguchi, H., Tang, Y., Watanabe, K.* ” Combinatorial Generation of Chemical Diversity by Redox Rnzymes in Chaetoviridin Biosynthesis.” Org. Lett. 2016, 18, 1446-1449. Link
- Billingsley, J. M.#, DeNicola, A. B.#, Tang, Y.* “Technology development for natural product biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 2016, 42, 74-83. (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology issue) PMCID: PMC5026534 Link
- Oikawa, H.*, Tang, Y.* “Exploring the Diversification Mechanism of Sskeletal Construction in Representative Natural Product Families.” J. Antibiot. 2016, 69, 471-472. (Editorial on Special Issue honoring Prof. David Cane) Link
- Zhao M., Lin, H.-C. Tang, Y.* “Biosynthesis of the α-Nitro-containing Cyclic Tripeptide Psychrophilin.” J. Antibiot. 2016, 69, 571-573. (Invited publication for Special Issue honoring Prof. David Cane) Link
- Bond, C. M.#, Tang, Y.*, Li. L.#, “Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Tool for Mining, Studying and Engineering Fungal Polyketide Synthases.” Fungal Genet. Biol. 2016, 89, 52-61. Link
- Cacho, R. C., Tang, Y.* “Reconstitution of Fungal Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetases in Yeast and In Vitro.” Methods Mol. Biol. 2016, 1401,103-119. Link
- Cochrane, R., Sanichar, R., Lambkin, G., Xu, W., Tang, Y., Vederas, J. C.*, “Identification and Reconstitution of the Polyketide Synthases Responsible for Biosynthesis of the Anti-Malarial Agent, Cladosporin.” Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2016, 55, 664-668. Link
- Xu, W., Raetz, L. B., Wang, P., Tang, Y.* “An ATP-Dependent Ligase Catalyzes the Fourth Ring Cyclization in Tetracycline Biosynthesis.” Tetrahedron 2016, 72, 3599-3604. (Invited submission for Special Issue on Natural Product-Inspired Approaches to Combat Bacteria) Link
- Noey, E. L., Tibrewal, N., Jimenez-Oses, G., Osuna, S., Park, J., Bond, C., Casio, D., Liang, J., Zhang, X., Huisman, G., Tang, Y.*, Houk, K. N.*, “Origins of Stereoselectivity in Evolved Ketoreductases.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U. S. A., 2016, 112, E7065–E7072, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1507910112. Link, News
- Cacho, R. A., Thuss, J., Xu, W., Sanichar, R., Gao, Z., Nguyen, A., Vederas, J. C.*, Tang, Y.* “Understanding Programming of Fungal Iterative Polyketide Synthases: the Biochemical Basis for Regioselectivity by the Methyl-transferase Domain in the Lovastatin Megasynthase.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 15688-15691. Link
- Guo, Y-Y., Li, H., Zhou, Z-X., Mao, X-M., Tang, Y., Chen, X., Jiang, X-H., Liu, Y, Jiang, H., Li, Y-Q.*, “ Identification and Biosynthetic Characterization of Natural Aromatic Azoxy Products from Streptomyces chattanoogensis L10.” Org. Lett. 2015, 17, 6114-6117. Link
- Tang, M-C., Lin, H-C., Li, D., Zou, Y., Li, J., Xu, W., Cacho, R. A., Hillenmeyer, M., Garg, N. K., Tang, Y.* “Discovery of Unclustered Fungal Indole Diterpene Biosynthetic Pathways through Combinatorial Pathway Reassembly in Engineered Yeast.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 13724–13727. Link
- Cochrane, R., Gao, Z., Lambkin, G., R., Xu, W., Winter, J. M., Marcus, S. L., Tang, Y., Vederas, J. C.*, “Comparison of 10,11-dehydrocurvularin polyketide synthases from Alternaria cinerariae and Aspergillus terreus highlights key structural motifs.” ChemBioChem 2015, 16, 2479-2483. Link
- Sato, M., Yagishita, F., Mino, T., Uchiyama, N., Patel, A., Chooi, Y., Goda, Y., Xu, W., Noguchi, H., Yamamoto, T., Hotta, K., Houk, K. N., Tang, Y., Watanabe, K.* “Involvement of Lipocalin-like CghA in Decalin-Forming Stereoselective Intramolecular [4+2] Cycloaddition.” ChemBioChem 2015, 16, 2294-2298. Link
- Mao, X-M., Zhan, Z-J., Grayson, M. N., Tang, M-C., Xu, W., Li, Y-Q., Yin, W-B., Lin, H-C., Chooi, Y., Houk, K. N., Tang, Y.*, “Efficient Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides Containing the Dioxabicyclo-octane Ring System.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 11904-11907. Link
- Medema, M. H. et al. “Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene Cluster.” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2015, 11, 625-631. Link
- Winter, J. M., Cascio, D.; Dietrich, D.; Sato, M.; Watanabe, K.; Sawaya, M.; Vederas, J. C.; Tang, Y*, “Biochemical and Structural Basis for Controlling Chemical Modularity in Fungal Polyketide Biosynthesis.”. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 9885-9893. Link
- Mao, X-M., Xu, W., Li, D., Yin, W-B., Chooi, Y-H., Li, Y-Q., Tang, Y*, Hu, Y.* “Epigenetic Genome Mining of an Endophytic Fungus Leads to Pleiotropic Biosynthesis of Natural Products.” Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2015, 54, 7592–7596. Link.
- Zou, Y., Zhan, Z., Li, D., Tang, M-C., Cacho, R. A., Watanabe, K., Tang, Y.* “Tandem Prenyltransferases Catalyze Isoprenoid Elongation and Complexity Generation in Biosynthesis of Quinolone Alkaloids.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 4980-4983. Link
- Mao, X-M., Luo, S., Zhou, R-C., Wang, F., Yu, P., Sun, N., Chen, X-X., Tang, Y., Li, Y-Q.* “Transcriptional Regulation of the Daptomycin Gene Cluster in Streptomyces roseosporus by an Autoregulator, AtrA.” J. Biol. Chem. 2015, 290, 7992-8001. Link
- Lin, H-C., Chiou, G., Chooi, Y., McMahon, T. C., Xu, W., Garg, N. K.*, Tang, Y.* “Elucidation of the Concise Biosynthetic Pathway of the Communesin Indole Alkaloids.” Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2015, 54, 3004-3007. (VIP paper) Link
- Cacho, R. A., Tang, Y., Chooi, Y.*, “Next-generation Sequencing Approach for Connecting Secondary Metabolites to Biosynthetic Gene Clusters in Fungi.” Front. Microbiol. 2015, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00774. Link
- Soliman, S., Tang, Y.* “Natural and Engineered Production of Taxadiene with Taxadiene Synthase.” Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2015, 112, 229-235. Link
- Zou, Y., Xu, W., Tsunematsu, Y., Tang, M-C., Watanabe, K., Tang, Y. * “Methylation-dependent Acyl Transfer between Polyketide Synthase and Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Modules in Fungal Natural Product Biosynthesis.” Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 6390-6393. Link
- Winter, J. M., Tang, Y. * “Natural products: Getting a handle on peptides.” Nat. Chem. 2014, 6, 1037–1038. (Invited Commentary) Link
- Zhao, M.; Liu, Y.; Hsieh, R.; Wang, N.; Tai, W.; Joo, K.; Wang, P.; Gu, Z.; Tang, Y.* “Clickable Protein Nanocapsules for Targeted Delivery of Recombinant p53 Protein.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 15319–15325. Link
- Xu, W., Gavia, D., Tang, Y.* “Biosynthesis of Fungal Indole Alkaloids” Nat. Prod. Rep. 2014, 31, 1474-1487. Link
- Tsunematsu, Y.; Fukutomi, M.; Saruwatari, T.; Noguchi, H.; Hotta, K.; Tang, Y. , Watanabe, K.* “Elucidation of the Pseurotin Biosynthetic Pathway Reveals Trans-Acting C-Methyltransferase and Source of Chemical Diversity Generation.” Angew. Chemie. Intl. Ed. 2014, 53, 8475-8479. Link
- Zabala, A. O., Chooi, Y., Choi, M., Lin, H-C., Tang, Y.* “Fungal Polyketide Synthase Product Chain-Length Control by Partnering Thiohydrolase” ACS. Chem. Biol. 2014, 9, 1576-1586. Link
- Hu, Y., Dietrich, D., Xu, W., Thuss, J. A., Wang, J., Yin, W-B., Qiao, K., Vederas, J. C.*, Tang, Y.* “A Carbonate-Forming Baeyer-Villiger Monooxygenase.” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2014, 10, 552–554. Link
- Jiménez-Osés, G.; Osuna, S.; Gao, X.; Sawaya, M. R.;Gilson, L.; Collier, S. J.;Huisman, G. W.*; Yeates, T. O.*; Tang, Y.*; Houk, K. N.* “The Role of Distant Mutations and Allosteric Regulation on LovD Active Site Dynamics.” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2014, 10, 431–436. Link
- Lin, H-C; Tsunematsu, Y.; Dhingra, S.; Xu, W.; Fukutomi, M.; Chooi, Y.; Cane, D. E.; Calvo, A.; Watanabe, K.; Tang, Y.* “Generation of Complexity in Fungal Terpene Biosynthesis: Discovery of a Multifunctional Cytochrome P450 in the Fumagillin Pathway.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 4426-4436. Link
- Mao, X, Ren, N., Sun, N., Wang, F., Zhou, R., Tang, Y., Li, Y.* “Proteasome involvement in a complex cascade mediating SigT degradation during differentiation of Streptomyces coelicolor.” FEBS Lett, 2014, 588, 608-613. Link
- Tibrewal, N.*, Tang, Y.* “Biocatalysts for Natural Product Biosynthesis.” Annu. Rev. Chem. Bio. Eng. 2014, 5, 347-366. Link
- 109. Li, L. Wang, P., Tang, Y.* “C-Glycosylation of Anhydrotetracycline Scaffold with SsfS6 from the SF2575 Biosynthetic Pathway.” J. Antibiot. 2014, 67, 65-70. (Chris Walsh Issue) Link
- Chooi, Y., Hong, Y., Cacho, R. A., Tantillo, D. J.*, Tang, Y.* “A Cytochrome P450 Serves as an Unexpected Terpene Cyclase during Fungal Meroterpenoid Biosynthesis.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 16805–16808. Link
- Dhingra, S., Lee, A., Lin, H-S., Tang, Y., Rokas, A., Calvo. A. M.*, “The fumagillin gene cluster, an example of thousands of genes under veA control in Aspergillus fumigatus.” PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(10): e77147. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077147. Link
- Liu, Y., Ding, G., Li, Y., Qu, J., Ma, S., Lv, H., Liu, Y., Wang, W., Dai, J., Tang, Y., Yu, S.* “Structures and Absolute Configurations of Penicillactones A–C from an Endophytic Microorganism, Penicillium dangeardii Pitt.” Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 5206–5209. Link
- Cacho, R. A. Chooi, Y., Zhou, H., Tang, Y.* “Complexity Generation in Fungal Polyketide Biosynthesis: a Spirocycle-Forming P450 in the Concise Pathway to the Antifungal Drug Griseofulvin.” ACS Chem. Biol. 2013, 8, 2322–2330. Link
- Gao, X., Jiang, W., Jiménez-Osés, G., Choi, M. S., Houk, K. N., Tang, Y.*, Walsh, C. T.*, “An Iterative, Bimodular Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase that Converts Anthranilate and Tryptophan into Tetracyclic Asperlicins.” Chem. Biol. 2013, 20, 870-878. Link See Former Member (both Tang and Walsh!) Wenjun Zhang’s paper in the same issue.
- Winter, J. M, Chiou, G., Bothwell, I. Xu, W., Garg, N. K., Luo, M. K., Tang, Y.* “Expanding the Structural Diversity of Polyketides by Exploring the Cofactor Tolerance of an Inline Methyltransferase Domain.” Org. Lett.. 2013, 15, 3774–3777. Link
- Yin, W. B., Chooi, Y., Cacho, R. A., Smith, A. R., White, T. C., Tang, Y.* “Discovery of Cryptic Polyketide Metabolites from Dermatophytes using Heterologous Expression in Aspergillus nidulans.” ACS Syn. Biol. 2013, 2, 629–634. Link.
- Xu, W., Chooi, Y., Choi, J. W., Li, S., Vederas, J. C., Da Silva, N. A., Tang, Y.* “Finding the Missing Link in Lovastatin Biosynthesis: LovG is the Thioesterase Required for Dihydromonacolin L Release and Lovastatin Nonaketide Synthase Turnover.” Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2013, 52, 6472-6475. Link Highlighted by Nature Chem. Biol.
- Wang, P., Bashiri, G., Gao, X., Sawaya, M. R. Tang, Y. * “Uncovering the Enzymes that Catalyze the Final Steps in Oxytetracycline Biosynthesis.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 7138-7141. Link
- Walsh, C. T.*, Haynes, S. W., Ames, B. D., Gao, X., Tang, Y. “Short Pathways to Complexity Generation: Fungal Peptidyl Alkaloid Multicyclic Scaffolds from Anthranilate Building Blocks.” ACS Chem. Biol. 2013, 8, 1366–1382. Link
- Wei, W., Du, J., Li, J., Yan, M., Zhu, Q., Jin, X., Zhu, X., Hu, Z., Tang, Y.*, Lu, Y.* “Construction of Robust Enzyme Nanocapsules for Effective Organophosphate Decontamination, Detoxification, and Protection.” Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 2212-2218. Link
- Lin, H-S., Chooi, Y., Dhingra, S., Xu, W., Calvo, A. M., Tang, Y.* “The Fumagillin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster in Aspergillus fumigatus Encodes a Cryptic Terpene Cyclase Involved in the Formation of b-trans-Bergamotene.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 4616-4619. Link
- Jiang, W., Cacho, R. A., Chiou, G. Garg. N. K., Tang, Y.*, Walsh, C. T.*, “EcdGHK Are Three Tailoring Iron Oxygenases for Amino Acid Building Blocks of the Echinocandin Scaffold.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 4457-4466. Link
- Chooi, Y., Fang, J., Liu, H., Filler, S., Wang, P., Tang, Y.* “Genome Mining of a Prenylated and Immunosuppressive Polyketide from Pathogenic Fungi.” Org. Lett. 2013, 15, 780-783. Link
- Gao, Z.+, Wang, J.+, Norwqay, A. K., Qiao, K., Tang, Y.*, Vederas, J. C.* “Investigation of Fungal Iterative Polyketide Synthase Functions Using Partially Assembled Intermediates.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 1735-1738. Link
- Cacho, R. A., Tang, Y.* “Bringing Protein Engineering and Natural Product Biosynthesis Together.” Chem, Biol. 2013, 20, 3-5. (Commentary) Link
- Haynes, S. W., Gao, X., Tang, Y.*, Walsh, C. T.*, “Complexity Generation in Fungal Peptidyl Alkaloid Biosynthesis: a Two Enzyme Pathway to the Hexacyclic MDR Export Pump Inhibitor Ardeemin.” ACS Chem. Biol. 2013, 8, 741-748. Link
- Zhao, M., Hu, B., Gu, Z., Joo, K., Wang, P.*, Tang, Y.* “Degradable Polymeric Nanocapsule for Efficient Intracellular Delivery of a High Molecular Weight Tumor-Selective Protein Complex.” Nano Today. 2013, 8, 11-20. Link
- Xu, W., Qiao, K., Tang, Y.* “Structural Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions in Polyketide Biosynthesis.” Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. 2012, 48, 98-122. Link
- Winter, J. M. Sato, M., Sugimoto, S., Chiou, G., Garg, N. K., Tang, Y.*, Watanabe, K.*, “Identification and Characterization of the Chaetoviridin and Chaetomugilin Gene Cluster in Chaetomium globosum Reveal Dual Functions of an Iterative Highly-Reducing Polyketide Synthase.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 17900–17903. Link
- Haynes, S. W., Gao, X., Tang, Y.*, Walsh, C. T.*, “Assembly of Asperlicin Peptidyl Alkaloids from Anthranilate and Tryptophan: A Two-Enzyme Pathway Generates Hepta-cyclic Scaffold Complexity in Asperlicin E.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 17444–17447. Link
- Cacho, R. A., Jiang, W., Chooi, Y., Walsh, C. T.*, Tang, Y.* “Identification and Characterization of the Echinocandin B Biosynthetic Gene Cluster from Emericella rugulosa NRRL 11440.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 16781–16790. Link
- Chooi, Y.*, Tang, Y.* “Navigating the Fungal Polyketide Chemical Space: From Genes to Molecules.” J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 9933–9953. (invited perspective) Link
- Wang, P., Kim. W., Pickens, L. B., Gao, X., Tang, Y.* “Heterologous Expression and Manipulation of Three Tetracycline Biosynthetic Pathways.” Angew. Intl. Chem. Ed. 2012, 51, 11136–11140. (selected as Very Important Paper). Link
- Gao, X., Haynes, S. W., Ames, B. D., Wang, P., Vien, L. P., Walsh, C. T.*, Tang, Y.* “Cyclization of Fungal Nonribosomal Peptides Catalyzed by a Terminal Condensation-Like Domain.” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2012, 8, 823-830. Link
- Zabala, A. O., Xu, W., Chooi, Y.*, Tang, Y.* “Discovery and Characterization of a Silent Gene Cluster that Produces Azaphilones from Aspergillus niger ATCC 1015 Reveal a Hydroxylation-Mediated Pyran-Ring Formation.” Chem. Biol. 2012, 19, 1049–1059. Link
- Ames, B. D., N., Chi, Smith, P., Ma, S. M., Wong, E., Wong, S., Xie, X., Li, J. W., Vederas, J. C., Tang, Y.*, Tsai, S. C.* “Biosynthesis of Lovastatin: Crystal Structure and Biochemical Studies of LovC, a Trans-acting Polyketide Enoyl Reductase.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2012, 109, 11144-11149.Link
- Chooi, Y.*, Wang, P., Fan, J., Li, Y., Wu, K., Wang, P., Tang, Y.* “Characterization of a Group of Fungal Aromatic Polyketide Prenyl-transferases.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 9428–9437. Link
- Biswas, A., Liu, Y., Fan, G.*, Tang, Y.* “Polyethylene Glycol-based Protein Nanocapsules for Functional Delivery of a Differentiation Transcription Factor” Biomaterials. 2012, 33, 5459–5467. Link
- Wang, P., Gao, X., Tang, Y.* “Complexity Generation during Natural Product Biosynthesis using Redox Enzymes.” Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 2012, 16, 362-369. Link
- Zhou, H., Gao, Z., Qiao, K., Wang, J., Vederas, J. C.*, Tang, Y.* “A fungal ketoreductase domain that displays substrate-dependent stereospecificity.” Nat. Chem. Biol. 2012, 9, 331-333. (Cover Story) Link
- Liu, Q., Yao, F., Chooi, Y., Kang, Q., Xu, W., Li, Y., Shao, Y., Shi, Y., Deng, Z., Tang, Y.*., You, D.* “Elucidation of Piericidin A1 Biosynthetic Locus Revealed an Thioesterase-dependent Mechanism of α-Pyridone Ring Formation.” Chem. Biol. 2012, 19, 243-253. Link
- Winter, J. M., Tang, Y.* “Synthetic Biological Approaches to Natural Product Biosynthesis.” Curr. Opin. Biotech. 2012, 5, 736-743. Link
- Zabala, A. O., Cacho, R., Tang, Y.* “Protein Engineering Towards Natural Product Synthesis and Diversification.” J. Ind. Microb. Biotechnol. 2012, 39, 227-241. (Invited Review) Link
- Pickens, L. B., Sawaya, M. R., Pashkov, I., Rasool, H., Yeates, T. O., Tang, Y.* “Structural and Biochemical Characterizations of the GDSL Salicylyl-Acyltranferase SsfX3 from a Tetracycline Biosynthetic Pathway.” J. Biol. Chem. 2011, 286, 41539-41553 (selected as Paper of the Week). Link
- Qiao, K. Chooi, Y., Tang, Y.* “Identification and Engineering of the Cytochalasin E Gene Cluster from Aspergillus clavatus.” Metab. Eng. 2011, 13, 723-732. Link
- Li, Y., Chooi, Y., Sheng, Y., Valentine, J. S., Tang, Y.* “Comparative Characterization of Fungal Anthracenone and Naphthacenedione Biosynthetic Pathways Reveals an alpha-Hydroxylation-Dependent Claisen-Like Cyclization Catalyzed by a Dimanganese Thioesterase.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 15773-15785. Link
- Ames, B. D., Haynes, S. W., Gao, X., Evans, B. S., Kelleher, N. L., Tang, Y., Walsh, C. T.*, “Complexity Generation in Fungal Peptidyl Alkaloid Biosynthesis: Oxidation of Fumiquinazoline A to the Heptacyclic Hemiaminal Fumiquinazoline C by the Flavoenzyme Af12070 from Aspergillus fumigatus.” Biochemistry 2011, 50, 8756-8769.Link
- Ames, B. D., Lee, M., Moody, C., Zhang, W., Tang, Y., Tsai, S. C.* “Structural and Biochemical Characterization of ZhuI Aromatase/Cyclase from the R1128 Polyketide Pathway.” Biochemistry 2011, 50, 8392–8406. Link
- Wang, P., Gao., X., Deng, Z., Tang, Y.* “Genetic Characterization of Enzymes Involved in the Priming Steps of Oxytetracycline Biosynthesis in Streptomyces rimosus.” Microbiology, 2011, 157, 2401-2409. Link
- Haynes, S. W., Ames, B. D., Gao, X., Tang, Y., Walsh, C. T.* “Unraveling Terminal C-Domain-Mediated Condensation in Fungal Biosynthesis of Imidazoindolone Metabolites.” Biochemistry 2011, 50, 5668-5679. Link
- Gu, Z., Biswas, A., Zhao, M., Tang, Y.* “Nanocarriers for Protein Intracellular Delivery.” Chem. Soc. Rev. 2011, 40, 3638-3655. Link
- Zhao, M., Biswas, A., Hu, B., Joo, K., Wang, P., Gu, Z., Tang, Y.* “Redox-Responsive Nanocapsules for Intracellular Protein Delivery.” Biomaterials 2011, 32, 5223-5230. Link
- Joo, K., Fang, Y., Liu, Y., Xiao, L., Gu, Z., Tai, A., Lee, C., Tang, Y., Wang, P.* “Enhanced Real-Time Monitoring of Adeno-Associated Virus Trafficking by Virus-Quantum Dot Conjugates.” ACS Nano 2011, 5, 3523-3535. Link
- Gu, Z., Zhao, M., Sheng, Y., Bentolila, L. A. Tang, Y.* “Detection of Mercury Ion by Infrared-Fluorescent Protein and Its Hydrogel-Based Paper Assay.” Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 2324-2329. Link
- Qiao, K., Zhou, H., Xu, W., Zhang, W., Garg, N., Tang, Y.* “A Fungal Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase Module that can Synthesize Thiopyrazines.” Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 1758-1761. Link
- Gao, X., Chooi, Y., Ames, B. D., Wang, P., Walsh, C. T., Tang, Y.* “Fungal Quinazoline Alkaloid Biosynthesis: Genetic and Biochemical Investigation of the Tryptoquialanine Pathway in Penicillium aethiopicum.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 2729-2741. Link Highlighted by Nature Chem Biol.
- Biswas, A., Joo, K., Zhao, M., Fan, G., Wang, P., Zhen, G., Tang, Y.* “Endoprotease-Mediated Intracellular Protein Delivery using Nanocapsules.”ACS Nano 2011, 5, 1385-1394. Link
- Pickens, L., Tang, Y.*, Chooi, Y. H. “Metabolic Engineering for the Production of Natural Products” Annu. Rev. Chem. Bio. Eng. 2011, 2, 211-236. (Invited Review) Link
- Meehan, M. J.; Xie, X.; Zhao, X.; Xu, W.; Tang, Y.*; Dorrestein, P. C.* “FT-ICR-MS characterization of intermediates in the biosynthesis of the α-methylbutyrate side chain of lovastatin by the 277 kDa polyketide synthase LovF.” Biochemistry 2011, 50, 287–299. Link
- Zhou, H., Qiao, K., Gao, Z., Vederas, J. C.*, Tang, Y.* “Insights into Radicicol Biosynthesis via Heterologous Synthesis of Advanced Intermediates and Analogs.” J. Biol. Chem. 2010, 285, 41412-4121. Link
- Xu, W., Cai, X., Jung, M. E., Tang, Y.* “Analysis of Intact and Dissected Fungal Polyketide Synthase-Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetase in vitro and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 13604-13607. Link
- Gao, X., Wang, P., Tang, Y.*, “Engineered polyketides biosynthesis and biocatalysis in Escherichia coli.” Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2010, 88, 1233-1242. (Invited Minireview) Link
- Chooi, Y. H., Tang, Y.*, “Adding the Lipo to Lipopeptides: Do More with Less.” Chem. Biol. 2010, 17, 791-793. Link
- Gu, Z., Biswas, A., Joo, K., Hu, B., Wang, P. and Tang, Y.*, “Probing Protease Activity with a Single Fluorescent Protein Nanobeacon.” Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 6467-6469. Link
- Pickens, L., Tang, Y.*, “Oxytetracycline Biosynthesis.” J. Biol. Chem. 2010, 285, 27509-27515 (Invited minireview). Link
- Chooi, Y. H., Cacho, R., Tang, Y.*, “Identification of the Viridicatumtoxin and Griseofulvin Gene Clusters from Penicillium aethiopicum.” Chem. Biol. 2010, 17, 483-494. Link
- Li, Y., Xu, W., Tang, Y.*, “Classification, Prediction and Verification of the Regioselectivity of Fungal Polyketide Synthase Product Template Domains.” J. Biol. Chem. 2010, 285, 22762-22771. Link Highlighted by Nature Chem Biol.
- Gu, Z., Tang, Y.*, “Enzyme-Assisted Photolithography for Spatial Functionalization of Hydrogels.” Lab on Chip 2010, 10, 1946-1951. (FRONT COVER) Link
- Zhou, H., Li, Y., Tang, Y.*, “Cyclization of Aromatic Polyketides from Bacteria and Fungi.” Nat. Prod. Rep. 2010, 27, 839-868. Link
- Zhou, H., Qiao, K., Gao, Z.; Meehan, M. J., Li, J., Dorrestein, P. C., Vederas, J. C.*, Tang, Y.*, “Enzymatic Synthesis of Resorcylic Acid Lactones by Cooperation of Fungal Iterative Polyketide Synthases Involved in Hypothemycin Biosynthesis.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 4530–4531. Link
- Yan, M, Du, J. J. Gu, Z., Liang, M., Hu, Y., Zhang, W., Segura, T., Liu, Z., Tang, Y. Lu, Y*. “A Novel Intracellular Protein Delivery Platform Based on Single-Protein Nanocapsules” Nat. Nano., 2010, 5.
- Gu, Z., Yan, M., Hu, B., Joo, K., Biswas, A., Lu, Y.*, Wang, P.*, Tang, Y.* “Protein Nanocapsules Weaved by an Enzymatically Degradable Polymer Network.” Nano. Lett. 2009, 9, 4533-4538. Link
- Gao, X., Xie, X., Pashkov, I., Sawaya, R. M., Laidmen, J., Zhang, W., Cacho, R., Yeates, T. O.*, Tang, Y.* “Directed Evolution and Structural Characterization of a Simvastatin Synthase.” Chem. Biol. 2009, 16, 1064-1074. Link
- Pickens, L. B., Kim, W., Wang, P., Zhou, H., Watanabe, K., Gomi, S., Tang, Y.* “Biochemical Analysis of the Biosynthetic Pathway of an Anticancer Tetracycline SF2575.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 17677–17689. Link
- Ma, S. A., Li, J., Choi, J. W., Zhou, H., Lee, M., Moorthie, V., Xie, X., Kealey, J. T., Da Silva, N. A., Vederas, J. C.*, Tang, Y.* “Complete Reconstitution of a Highly-Reducing Iterative Polyketide Synthase.” Science 2009, 326, 589-592. Link
- Wang, M., Zhou, H., Wirz, M., Tang, Y., Boddy, C. N.* “A Versatile Thioesterase from an Iterative Fungal Polyketide Synthase.” Biochemistry 2009, 48, 6288-6290. Link
- Xie, X., Meehan, M. J. Xu, W., Dorrestein, P. C., Tang, Y.* “Acyltransferase Mediated Polyketide Release From Fungal Megasynthase.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 8388-8389. Link
- Wang, P., Zhang, W., Zhan, J., Tang, Y.* “Identification of OxyE as an Ancillary Oxygenase During Tetracycline Biosynthesis.” ChemBioChem, 2009, 10, 1554-1550. Link
- Zhan, J., Qiao, K., Tang, Y.* “Investigation of Post-PKS Tailoring Modifications in Pradimicin Biosynthesis.” ChemBioChem, 2009, 10, 1447-1452. Link
- Ma, S. M., Pickens, L. B., Tang, Y.* “Antibiotics, Polyketides.” Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology, 2009, DOI: 10.1002/9780470054581.eib041.
- Zhang, W., Tang, Y.* “In vitro Analysis of Type II Polyketides.” Methods in Enzymology Volume: Complex Enzymes in Microbial Natural Product Biosynthesis. 2009, 459, 367-393. Link
- Pickens, L. B., Tang, Y. * “Decoding and Engineering Tetracycline Biosynthesis.” Metab. Eng. 2009, 11, 69-75. (Cover article). Link
- Xie, X., Pashkov, I., Xue, G., Guerrero, J., Yeates, T., Tang, Y.* “Rational Improvement of Simvastatin Synthase Solubility in Escherichia coli Leads to Higher Whole-cell Biocatalytic Activity.” Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009, 102, 20-28. Link
- Zhang, W., Li, Y., Tang, Y. “Engineered Biosynthesis of Bacterial Aromatic Polyketides in Escherichia coli.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 2008, 105, 20683-20685. Link
- Zhou, H., Xie, X., Tang, Y.* “Engineering Natural Products Using Combinatorial Biosynthesis and Biocatalysis.” Curr. Opin. Biotechnol., 2008, 19, 590-596. Link
- Zhan, J., Watanabe, K., Tang, Y.* “Synergistic Actions of Monooxygenase and Cyclases in Aromatic Polyketide Biosynthesis.” ChembioChem 2008, 9, 1710 – 1715. Link
- Zhang, W., Watanabe, K., Cai, X., Jung, M. E., Tang, Y.*, Zhan, J.* “Identifying the Minimal Enzymes Required for Anhydrotetracycline Biosynthesis.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 6068-6069. Link
- Zhou, H., Zhan, J., Watanabe, K., Xie, X., Tang, Y.* “A Polyketide Macrolactone Synthase from the Filamentous Fungus Gibberella zeae.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2008, 105, 6249-6254. Link
- Ames, B., Korman, T., Zhang, W., Smith, P., Vi, T., Tang, Y., Tsai, S-C. “Crystal Structure and Functional Analysis of Tetracenomycin ARO/CYC: Implications for Cyclization Specificity of Aromatic Polyketides.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2008, 105, 5349-5354. Link
- Ma, S. M., Zhan, J., Xie, X., Watanabe, K., Tang, Y.*, Zhang, W. “Redirecting the Cyclization Steps of Fungal Polyketide Synthase.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 38-39.Link
- Zhang, W., Tang, Y.* “Combinatorial Biosynthesis of Natural Products” J. Med Chem. 2008, 51, 2629-2633. Link
- Ma, S. M., Zhan, J., Watanabe, K., Xie, X., Zhang, W., Wang, C. C., Tang, Y.* “Enzymatic Synthesis of Aromatic Polyketides using PKS4 from Gibberella fujikuroi.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 10642-10643. Link
- Zhang, W.; Wilke, B. I.; Zhan, J.; Watanabe, K.; Boddy, C. N.*; Tang, Y.* “A New Mechanism for Benzopyrone Formation in Aromatic Polyketide Biosynthesis.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 9304-9305. Link.
- Zhang, W., Watanabe. K., Wang, C. C. C., Tang, Y.* “Investigation of Early Tailoring Reactions in the Oxytetracycline Biosynthetic Pathway.” J. Biol. Chem. 2007, 282, 25717-25725. Link.
- Xie, X., Wong, W. W., Tang, Y.* “Improving Simvastatin Bioconversion in Escherichia coli by Deletion of bioH.” Metab. Eng. 2007, 9, 379-386. Link
- Ma, S. M., Tang, Y.* “Biochemical Characterization of the Minimal Polyketide Synthase Domains in the Lovastatin Nonaketide Synthase LovB.” FEBS J. 2007, 274, 2854–2864. Link
- Xie, X., Tang, Y.* “Efficient Synthesis of Simvastatin Using Whole-Cell Biocatalysis.” Appl. Environ. Microb. 2007, 73, 2054-2060. Link
- Zhang, W., Watanabe, K., Wang, C. C. C., Tang, Y.* “Heterologous Biosynthesis of Amidated Polyketides with Novel Cyclization Regioselectivity from Oxytetracycline Polyketide Synthase” J. Nat. Prod. 2006, 69, 1633-1636. Link
- Xie, X., Watanabe, K., Wojcicki, W. A., Wang, C. C. C., Tang, Y.* “Biosynthesis of lovastatin analogs with a broadly specific acyltransferase.” Chem. Biol. 2006, 13, 1161-1169. Link
- Zhang, W., Ames, B., Tsai, S-C., Tang, Y.*, “Tetracycline Biosynthesis: Sequencing of the Oxytetracycline Gene Cluster and Reconstitution of the Malonamyl-Specific Initiation module.” Appl. Environ. Microb. 2006, 72, 2573-2580. link
Publication from Postdoctoral Work
- Tang, Y. Lee, H.Y., Tang, Y., Kim, C-Y., Mathews, I. and Khosla, C. “Structural and Functional Studies on SCO1815: A -Ketoacyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Reductase from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2).” Biochemistry, 2006, 45, 14085-14093.
- Lee. T. S.*, Khosla, C., Tang, Y.* “Orthogonal Protein Interactions in Spore Pigment Producing and Antibiotic Producing Type II Polyketide Synthases.” J. Antibiotics, 2005, 58, 664-667.
- Lee. T. S.*, Khosla, C., Tang, Y.* “Engineered Biosynthesis of Aklanonic Acid Analogs.” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2005, 127, 12254-12262.
- Khosla, C., Tang, Y., “Chemistry. A new route to designer antibiotics.” Science 2005, 308, 367-368.
- Tang, Y., Koppisch, A., Khosla, C. “The Acyltransferase Homolog Found in Initiation Modules of Type II PKS is an Acetyl-ACP Thiolase that Suppresses Acetate-Priming of the KS-CLF.” Biochemistry 2004, 43, 9546-9555.
- Tang, Y., Lee, T. S., Lee, H. Y., Khosla, C. “Exploring the Biosynthetic Potential of Bimodular Aromatic Polyketide Synthases.” Tetrahedron, 2004, 7659-7671.
- Kumar, P.*, Khosla, C., Tang, Y.* “Manipulation and Analysis of Polyketide Synthases.” Methods in Enzymology Volume 388: Protein Engineering 2004, 269-293.
- Tang, Y., Lee, T. S., Khosla, C. “Engineered Biosynthesis of Regioselectively Modified Aromatic Polyketides Using Bimodular Polyketide Synthases.” PLoS Biol. 2004, 2, 227-237.
- Tang, Y., Tsai, S. C., Khosla, C. “Polyketide Chain Length Control by Chain Length Factor.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 12708-12709.
- Tang, Y., Lee, T. S., Kobayashi, S., Khosla, C. “Ketosynthases in the Initiation and Elongation Modules of Aromatic Polyketide Synthases Have Orthogonal Acyl-Carrier Protein Specificity.” Biochemistry 2003, 42, 6588-6595.
Publication from Graduate Work
- Tang, Y., Wang, P., Van Deventer, J. A., Link, A. J., Tirrell, D. A. “Introduction of an Aliphatic Ketone into Recombinant Proteins in a Bacterial Strain that Overexpresses an Editing-Impaired Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase.” ChembioChem 2009, 10, 2188-2190.
- Cirino, P.C , Tang, Y., Takahashi, K., Tirrell, D. A., Arnold, F. H. “Global Incorporation of Norleucine in Place of Methionine in Cytochrome P450 BM-3 Heme Domain Increases Peroxygenase Activity.” Biotechnol Bioeng. 2003, 20, 729-734.
- Wang, P., Tang, Y., Tirrell, D. A., “Incorporation of Trifluoroisoleucine into Proteins In Vivo.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 6900-6906.
- Tang, Y., Tirrell, D. A. “Attenuation of Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase Proofreading Activity in Escherichia coli Allows Introduction of An Array of Unnatural Amino Acids in vivo.” Biochemistry 2002, 41, 10635-10645.
- Tang, Y., Tirrell, D. A. “Biosynthesis of Highly Stable Coiled-coils Containing Hexafluoroleucine Using an Engineered Bacterial Host.” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 11089-11090.
- Tang, Y., Ghirlanda, G., Petka, W. A., Nakajima, T., W. A., DeGrado, W. F., Tirrell, D. A. “Fluorinated Coiled-coils Prepared in vivo Display Enhanced Thermal and Chemical Stability.” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 1494-1497.
- Tang, Y., Ghirlanda, G., Vaidehi, N., Kua, J., Mainz, D. T., Goddard, W. A., DeGrado, W. F., Tirrell, D. A. “Stabilization of Leucine Zipper Coiled-coils using Trifluoroleucine.” Biochemistry 2001, 40, 2790-2796.
Previous Book Chapters
- Gu, Z.*, Tang, Y., Chen, Y., “Fabrication of Biomolecular Nanopatterns.” In Advances in Nanotechnology Volume III. eds Bartul, Z. and Jérôme Trenor, J.; NOVA scientific publisher, 2010.
- Xie, X., Qiao, K. J., Tang, Y.* “Metabolic Engineering of Natural Product Biosynthesis.” In Bioactive Compounds from Natural Sources, Second Edition: Natural Products as Lead Compounds in Drug Discovery. ed Tringlai, C., Taylor and Francis Group, 2010.
- Zhang, W., Ferreira, J. P., Tang, Y. “Regulation of Secondary Metabolism Biosynthesis.” In: Smolke, C.D., ed. Handbook for Metabolic Pathway Engineering. CRC Press. 2009 in press.
- Tang, Y.; Ma, S.M; Wojcicki, W. A. “Applications of Metabolic Engineering for Natural Drug Discovery.” In: Smolke, C.D., ed. Handbook for Metabolic Pathway Engineering. CRC Press. 2009 in press.
- Zhang, W., Tang, Y., “Engineering Starter Units in Aromatic Polyketides.” In ACS Volume Based on Polyketides: Biosynthesis, Biological Activity and Genetic Engineering. eds S. R. Baerson; American Chemical Society, 2006.
- Tang, Y., Khosla, C., “Diversity from Mother Nature: natural and unnatural products.” In Exploiting Chemical Diversity for Drug Discovery, eds P. Bartlett and M. Entzeroth; Royal Society of Chemistry, 2006. Link