García-Garibay, Miguel A.


Garcia Garibay Miguel


Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay received his B.S. degree from the University of Michoacan in Mexico and his Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia. He was a postdoctoral Fellow at Columbia University before joining the faculty in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA where he rose through the Faculty ranks and is now a Distinguished Professor.  After serving as Vice Chair for Education and as the Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, in 2016 he was appointed Dean of Physical Sciences in the College of Letters and Sciences. He has served in the editorial boards of the Journal of Organic Chemistry, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, Crystal Growth & Design, and was an associate editor for the Journal of the American Chemical Society from 2009 to 2018. He served two terms in the Chemical Sciences Roundtable of the National Academies and is now a member of the Advisory Committee of the NSF Mathematical & Physical Sciences Directorate. Garcia-Garibay achieved international reputation for work in reactive intermediates, solid-state organic chemistry, photochemistry, and crystalline molecular machines. He has authored over 230 articles and delivered over 450 lectures worldwide.  Among other honors, he is a fellow of the AAAS and has been awarded the American Competitiveness and Innovation Fellowship, a Creativity Award from the National Science Foundation, the 2013 Inter-American Photochemical Society Award, the 2015 ACS Cope Scholar Award, and the 2016 UCLA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award.  In 2019 he was elected Fellow of the American Chemical Society and in 2020 he became a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Research Interests

The Garcia-Garibay research group is dedicated to the study of solids and crystalline materials spanning a wide range of properties and length scales. There are four main research thrusts in the group (I) The design of reactions in crystals for both synthetic and materials applications; (II) The design of solid state materials with functions that rely on controlled mechanical changes at the molecular level, including electrooptics, ferroelectrics, etc. (III) The use of nanoparticles to control photochemical processes, and (IV) the study of structure-reactivity correlations based on solid state reaction rates and X-Ray structural analyses, including the control of reactive intermediates and a better understanding of quantum mechanical tunneling.

Honors & Awards


  • University of Cincinnati & the ACS Cincinnati Section Oesper Award, 2023
  • National Academy of Sciences Member, 2023
  • NIH Corresponding Member, 2021
  • American Academy of Arts and Sciences Member, 2020
  • American Chemical Society Fellow, 2019
  • Plenary Lecture, 53th Conference of the Sociedad Quimica de Mexico, Mexico City, 2018
  • Featured plenary lecture, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in the Sciences (SACNAS) National Meeting, Salt Lake City, 2017
  • Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009-2016
  • Appointment to the Chemical Sciences Roundtable of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology, 2012-2015 and 2015-2018
  • Plenary lecture, Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbia SC 2016
  • Plenary Lecture, 49th Conference of the Sociedad Quimica de Mexico, Merida, Mexico, 2014
  • Plenary Lecture, IUPAC Meeting in Photochemistry, Bordeaux, France, 2014
  • Molecular Science Frontier Lecture Professorship, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 2012
  • Dow Chemical Distinguished Lecturer, UC Santa Barbara, 2010
  • Trosieme Cycle Lecture Series: Basel, Geneve, Basel and Fribourgh, Switzerland, 2009
  • Visiting Professor, Dept of Molecular Engineering, University of Angers, France, 2009, 2010, 2012
  • Visiting Professor, Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 2008
  • Class of 1960’s Seminar Speaker, Williams College, 2008
  • Conferencia Magistral, Congreso Nacional de La Sociedad Química de Mexico, 2005


  • ACS Cope Scholar Award, 2015
  • UCLA Staff Recognition award, 2015
  • UCLA Diversity and Inclusiveness Award, 2013
  • Inter-American Photochemical Society Award, 2013
  • NSF Creativity Award, 2009-2011
  • American Competitiveness and Innovation Fellow, 2008
  • AAP Faculty Appreciation Award, University of California, Los Angeles, 2008
  • Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2007
  • Herbert Newby McCoy Award, University of California, Los Angeles, 1999
  • Dean’s Marshal Award for the Division of Physical Sciences, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1997
  • NSF Career Award 1996-1999
  • Faculty Development Award, University of California, Los Angeles, 1995
  • University Graduate Fellowship University of British Columbia 1986 to 1988
  • Fellowship for Undergraduate Research Sponsored by Syntex of Mexico, 1981 to 1982

Representative Publications















2010 & Prior

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