General Chemistry at UCLA:

Our department offers two sequences of general chemistry; one primarily designed for Physical Sciences and Engineering majors and another for Life Science majors.

  1. Physical Sciences and Engineering majors: Chemistry 20A or 20AH, 20B or 20BH, and 20L 
  2. Life Science majors: Chemistry 14A or 14AE, 14B or 14BE, and 14BL

Realizing that many entering students will shift their career focus and major as they spend time at UCLA, the department has built in cross-over paths in the general chemistry sequences. Specifically, Chemistry 14A, 14AE, 20A, and 20AH can serve as the prerequisite for either 20B, 20BH, or 14B.

Biochemistry majors have the option of taking either sequence and can enroll in Chemistry 14AE and 14BE.

The Chemistry Diagnostic Exam:

All students planning to enroll in Chemistry 14A, 14AE, 17, 20A, or 20AH are required to take the Chemistry Diagnostic Exam prior to enrolling in the course itself.

*Please note that any students that are found to have not taken the chemistry diagnostic exam may be dropped from the course during the first week of instruction.*

The exam consists of 39 questions and is meant to assess your fluency and prior chemistry knowledge. There is no time limit on the exam, however, most students are able to complete it within 30 to 60 minutes.

You will receive your course placement recommendation immediately after completing the exam. Please note that this is only a recommendation and you should use your own judgment as to which course is most appropriate for you.

You can find the exam here:


Please e-mail: The Undergraduate Office
Office: Young Hall 3013

The Chemistry Diagnostic Exam is available online beginning May 1 and must be completed before July 1 so that your placement recommendation is available when you register for classes during New Student Orientation.

Students should plan to take the exam at least one week prior to their New Student Orientation so that their results are available by then.

The Chemistry Diagnostic Exam is available year-round for continuing students. Students should plan to take the exam prior to the first week of instruction as results are sent out Monday of Week 1.

You will receive your course placement recommendation immediately after completing the exam.