We are pleased to announce UCLA’s new Master of Applied Chemical Sciences (MACS) Program, enrolling students in Fall 2022. MACS was created in response to the high demand for chemists from world-wide industrial partners.

The program balances a strong academic grounding, hands-on advanced laboratory experience, and independent research to prepare the graduates for various dynamic fields in applied chemistry. The graduates will be well-rounded chemists, equipped with a broad level of critical skills and background knowledge, and highly competitive in a non-academic workforce.  As part of this program, we anticipate a significant industrial recruiting effort on campus.

For more information, please visit https://www.macs.chem.ucla.edu/macs

To apply, visit https://grad.ucla.edu and find our link: Chemistry – Master of Applied Chemical Sciences (MACS)

For questions, please email macs@chem.ucla.edu.

Follow us on Twitter @Ucla_MACS

The department is seeking outstanding candidates for tenure-track or tenured faculty positions at the level of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor.

The UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry is conducting three faculty searches in the fields of biochemistry (open rank), chemistry (open rank), and medicinal chemistry (endowed chair position; Associate & Full Professors only).

We welcome candidates whose experience in teaching, research, and/or community service has prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and excellence. Successful applicants will be expected to develop strong and creative research programs and to contribute to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

All candidates who fit our department’s mission working in the areas listed above are encouraged to apply.

Application reviews for the Jung Chair search will begin on November 7, 2021 and application reviews for the biochemistry and chemistry searches will begin on November 14, 2021.






The UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry seeks applications for temporary lecturer positions in Organic Chemistry, General/Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry during the 2021-2022 academic year. Candidates should provide a curriculum vitae, cover letter, statement of teaching philosophy (max 1 page), a statement on contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and 3 letters of reference to be uploaded to UCLA Academic Recruit. Please click the links below to apply.

The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry welcomes Professor Abigail Doyle, who joins the department as the Saul Winstein Chair of Organic Chemistry from Princeton.

Prof. Doyle joined the department as a Full Professor effective July 1, 2021. Her office and laboratory are located in the Molecular Science Building.  She is accompanied with 9 outstanding lab members from Princeton.

The UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry seeks applications for temporary lecturer positions in 

Organic Chemistry, General/Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry during the 2021-2022 academic year. 

Candidates should provide a curriculum vitae, cover letter, statement of teaching philosophy (max 1 page), a statement on contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and 3 letters of reference to be uploaded to UCLA Academic Recruit .

Please click the links below to apply.

Update! The department has committed to match all donations to this fund 2:1 until the end of January 2021. Over 130 donors have already contributed to the fund which has now reached $64,000 towards its goal of $100,000.

Honoring Professor Emeritus Richard Dickerson, a giant in structural biology, this new fund will provide resources for an enriched biochemistry seminar series at UCLA. To support this effort, the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry has committed to match all donations 2:1 for a limited time so that each contribution will be tripled!

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