Enrollment Assistance for Undergraduate Chemistry Courses

Please note that the Undergraduate Office can only assist with enrollment for chemistry courses. For enrollment assistance with another department’s course, please contact the respective department.

If you are having trouble enrolling in a chemistry course, please email our office (ugrad@chem.ucla.edu) the following information:

  1. Your full name
  2. Your UID number
  3. The chemistry course you wish to enroll into
  4. The 9-digit course ID number of the discussion section or lab you wish to enroll into.
    1. Note: When you enroll in a course’s discussion or lab, you will then be automatically enrolled in the lecture.

You are only allowed 10 units total on your priority/1st pass. Our office cannot override this restriction.

If you are taking the pre-requisite for a course and it has not yet been transferred to UCLA, please attach an unofficial copy of your enrollment in the course to your email.

To enroll in a course that you have not met the pre-requisites for, you must receive written confirmation from the course instructor for you to take the course without having met its pre-requisites. Once received, please forward this confirmation to our office with the information mentioned above for enrollment consideration.

Enrollment Notes:

  • Sequence Violation: If you complete a more advanced course in a sequence and then go back in the sequence and take an earlier course, this would be considered a sequence violation and the earlier course would yield no credit.
  • Waitlist Only Courses: Chem 114, 136, 144, 154 174, 184 and 185 are waitlist only courses and you will not be able to add them on priority pass. Enrollment priority is given to graduating seniors. Interested students should place themselves on the waitlist during their first pass and attend the first week of class. Final enrollment will be done during the first week.
  • Enrollment Appointments: During first pass and second pass, the Undergraduate Office will have staff to field enrollments requests over the weekend. Enrollment will typically be completed within 24 hours and confirmation will be emailed to you.


If you have any questions, please contact our Undergraduate Office (ugrad@chem.ucla.edu) or stop by our office (Young Hall 4009).