The UCLA Chemistry & Biochemistry Distinguished Lecture Series is a department-wide colloquium in a special week once per quarter when there are no other seminars in our department. Since beginning the series in 2013, we have invited some of the world’s most accomplished and engaging scientists to speak – Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold (Caltech), David Baker (University of Washington), Zhenan Bao (Stanford), Jacqueline Barton (Caltech), Emily Carter (Princeton), Nobel Laureate Thomas Cech (University of Colorado, Boulder), Francois Diederich (ETH Zurich), Nobel Laureate Jennifer Doudna (UC Berkeley), Emily Carter (UCLA), Harry Gray (Caltech), Sharon Hammes-Schiffer (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Barry Honig (Columbia), Nobel Laureate Roger Kornberg (Stanford), Yi Lu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Daniel Nocera (Harvard), Victoria Oprhan (Caltech), Kimberly Prather (UCSD, Scripps), Douglas Rees (Caltech), Stuart Schreiber (Harvard), JoAnne Stubbe (MIT), George Whitesides (Harvard). Their lectures have consistently encouraged thought-provoking conversations and ideas.

All of the lectures are open to the public. While the research covered in the lectures is meant to appeal to a broad range of chemists and biochemists, the lectures also include a general introduction to the research for those who are further separated in research expertise.

Nobel laureate Professor Ben F. Feringa (University of Groningen) is scheduled to give the Spring 2023 Distinguished Lecture on April 13, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. Details will be announced closer to the date. 

Questions about the Distinguished Lecture Series can be directed to

Photos: (Top row) Ken Houk and Francois Diederich, Doug Rees, Paul Weiss and Kim Prather, Thomas Cech, Sabeeha Merchant and JoAnne Stubbe, Harry Gray and Joan Valentine. (Bottom row) Yi Lu, audience during Q&A, Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, David Baker, Jacqueline Barton, audience during Q&A.